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Patriarchal Societies Emerged Early in Human History

Essay Instructions:

Write THREE (3) essays from the following EIGHT (8) question topics. 
You should aim for each essay to run approximately 1.5 pages in length (12pt, Times New Roman, double spaced, normal margins, etc). Each essay should articulate a coherent thesis statement in the intro paragraph, followed by supporting paragraphs (usually three), and finally a conclusion. 
Please ensure you submit your exam as a single file (i.e. not as a separate file for each essay) and indicate at the start of each essay which question topic you are addressing. 
Before submitting your work, you are also strongly encouraged to use the "Turn It In" service (under the Resources tab) to make sure you have not accidentally plagiarized any source. I will be submitting all your essays to "Turn It In" as a precaution, so you might as well save us both from any last minute drama at the end of the course.
1. Some authors contend that the dar-al-Islam became probably “the most prosperous and cosmopolitan society in the postclassical world.” What does this statement mean? What evidence is there for this statement? Do you agree or disagree, and why?
2. Stratified, class-specific, patriarchal societies emerged early in human history. First, discuss what key factors shaped those conditions. Second, analyze the roles of caste and gender in these societies: ancient Mesopotamia; early Aryan India; ancient China.
3. Discuss and analyze the significance of scientific and technological advancements in the development of world civilizations. You are free to pick any four (4) of the following civilizations: Mesopotamia (Sumer to New Babylonia), Ancient Egypt, Han or Song China, Classical/Hellenistic Greece, the Romans (imperial period), the Maya, the Abbasid Dynasty.
4. Compare the forces driving political, economic, social, and technological change in post-classical Europe with the forces driving political, economic, social, and technological change in post-classical China. Did Europe benefit most from increased contacts with the east or from internal developments? Similarly, did China benefit most from external contacts or from internal developments?
5. What were the contributions of both Ibn Battuta and Marco Polo to world history? How do the experiences of these men reflect the dynamic of cross-cultural interaction from 1000-1500CE, and how is this process different than earlier periods, namely the classical era?
6. In a well-conceived essay, consider how the increased period of cross-cultural interaction during the 15th century impacted the creation of a truly global sense of the world, where basically all geographical regions were interconnected. In other words, why is 1500 the end date of this course? What is different about the world before 1500 and after 1500?
7. Describe and analyze the social structure of both the Inca and the Mexica empires. In addition to describing social stratifications, discuss how and why each society regarded children and slaves. How did these social structures compare to other post-classical civilizations?
8. Discuss the significance of the Crusades as a cross-cultural event. Why were the Crusades initially launched, and what were the most important long-term legacies of the Crusades in the development of post-classical history?

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Course title:
Question 2: Stratified, class-specific, patriarchal societies emerged early in human history.
Stratification and patriarchy was common in early societies. People were very class specific and would only associate themselves with people from a similar class. There are several factors that led to the development of this phenomenon. Firstly, resources were very limited and every member of society wanted to have a share of the scarce resources. With the rise of capitalism where people only had self-interests to the exclusion of others, competition arose. Stratification and class specific, therefore, came about as people divided themselves into groups based on the amount of wealth amassed. There were three classes of people. At the very top there were the rich who controlled majority of the resources (Cashmore, 2010). They owned most of the resources and had power and influence. The second category was the middle class. This group had amassed some wealth, but not enough to get them to the very top. They had enough to live decent lives but not too much to get to the level of affluence. The last group was at the very bottom. This group could best be described as ‘the have nots’. These were the poor in society and are the people who would live in the slums and ghettos. The main reason for stratification was so that the rich could remain at the top without facing any form of rivalry or competition.
Through their power and influence, they ensured that social class remained. If the middle class were given a chance to climb the ladder, it would mean that there would be more people at the top and this would increase competition for resources. This is also the case if the poor people would get to the middle class level. Stratification was, therefore, meant to ensure that the rich and powerful remained at the very top controlling the resources. Stratification was, therefore, a selfish motivated move whose aim was to ensure that the status remained.
Early societies were highly patriarchal to mean that there was heavy male dominance. Women were treated as lesser humans and were expected to be submissive to the men. Male dominance was used in early societies to ensure that men had a sole voice in the society. In any society both ancient and present, the women always formed the greater majority (Lindsey, 2015). As a result, men feared that they could easily be overpowered by the women. To counter this, they came up with a strategy of female oppression and male dominance. This would see women silenced so that the men in society had absolute power.
Question 3. Significance of Scientific Advancements in Mesopotamia
Mesopotamia is one of the ancient civilizations that contributed to development both scientifically and technologically. It was as a result of these developments that civilization was gradually realized. The people of Mesopotamia were initially hunters and gatherers. They would later change to become farmers to ensure that they had enough food. Production of wheat and barley began and this saw a boom in food production (Hollar, 2011). This changed the mindset of other regions who began to appreciate the need for farming. They also began building houses as they now lived in one permanent place. This provided security compared to semi-permanent structures that they pre...
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