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2 pages/≈550 words
English (U.S.)
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History of Labor and Work Before the End of Reconstruction

Essay Instructions:


  1. Does the introduction provide ample context for the topic of the paper?  If so, what does the introduction do well?  If not, what could the writer include to strengthen the introduction?
  2. Does the end of the introduction provide a thesis?  Does it list or imply the main points of the paper?  Does the thesis seem too broad or too narrow?
  3.  Do the paragraphs or individual sections of the paper have clear topic sentences? A topic sentence is usually the first sentence of a paragraph or section.
  4. Are the sources for the paper clear?  Make a note of where source citations may be needed by indicating the paragraph, page number, or section of the paper.  Authors should cite both direct quotes and information they have summarized or paraphrased from any source.
  5. Are there any sentences or phrases that are not completely clear to you as the reader?  Please indicate the paragraph, page number, or section.
  6. After reading the entire paper, think about its overall structure.  Do the paragraphs or sections make sense in this order?  Are any ideas repeated?
  7. Does the concluding paragraph readdress the thesis, tie together topics, argue for the overall historical significance, and/or make connections between the past and present?
  8. What are the overall strengths of the paper?
  9. What might you consider revising if you were the writer?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
History of Labor and Work Before the End of Reconstruction
Guided Peer Review
Reader Worksheet
1 Does the introduction provide ample context for the topic of the paper? If so, what does the introduction do well? If not, what could the writer include to strengthen the introduction?
The introduction of the paper provides precise but adequate background information about New Netherlands in the 17th century. It explains the origin of the name and who its occupants were. It also explains why it is what New Netherlands was famous for. This makes the introduction good and efficient for addressing the topic.
2 Does the end of the introduction provide a thesis? Does it list or imply the main points of the paper? Does the thesis seem too broad or too narrow?
The end of the introduction provides a thesis statement. The thesis statement is well-positioned and connected to the rest of the content in the introduction. It also provides enough information about the topic, which the essay's body addresses in detail.
3 Do the paragraphs or individual sections of the paper have clear topic sentences? A topic sentence is usually the first sentence of a paragraph or section.
The author used clear topic sentences in each paragraph. The topic sentences provide a clue to the paragraph's content, making the reader want to know more about the issue. For example, paragraph three discusses the role of religion in the slavery situation in the New Netherlands. A reader knows the paragraph explores religion and its role in slavery in detail.
4 Are the sources for the paper clear? Make a note of where source citations may be needed by indicating the paragraph, page number, or section of the paper. Authors should cite both direct quotes and information they have summarized or paraphrased from any source.
The author cites the sources in all the paragraphs but does not follow the conventional rules of MLA citation. The first issue the author needs to rectify is that MLA citations use the name and page number format. The author continuously mentions the titles of the book chapters but does not include the author and the page number in parenthesis at the en...
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