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Growth of American Nation

Essay Instructions:

History 152: Growth of the American Nation to 1865

Creative Writing Assignment

Due: Friday, November 14, 2014

Assignment: Imagine that you are one of the characters listed below, and are writing or transcribing a letter to your descendants about your life (You were born around 1745 and are now about 70 years old in 1815.) Describe for a listener (in no more than 3 pages, double spaced, 12 point font) your feelings about the American Revolution, the years of the Early Republic (1789-1815), and what the legacy of the Revolution meant to your subsequent life. Include information on the following:

* Your role in the American Revolution

* Your attitude toward the Constitution and the Bill of Rights

* How you felt about the Federalist Government prior to the election of Thomas Jefferson in 1800, and how you felt about Jefferson’s victory.

* Finally describe how you feel about the current (ca. 1815) direction of the Republic

You should draw upon the textbook, lecture materials, primary source readings, and the Shoemaker and the Tea Party for factual information. Your grade will be based on the following:

1) How accurately your statement reflects the typical experiences and attitudes

of your character

2) How well you integrate historical information into your essay

3) How well you construct and write your essay

Also, although it may be historically accurate, please avoid slang, jargon, misspellings, and poor grammar for the purposes of this assignment.

Potential characters to pick from (Please choose one):

A poor artisan living in upstate New York

A Virginia slaveholder (male or female)

An African-American slave in Virginia (male or female)

A poor farmer and former soldier in Western Pennsylvania

A New England merchant

Reminder: Writing will count for 20% of the grade on this assignment. Be certain that you edit, proofread, and spellcheck your work before you submit it.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Growth of American Nation
My dear grandsons and daughters, I hope you are having a better life than we had. I am writing this letter to inform you of my experience during the American Revolution and hope that you appreciate how far the American nations grown. The year is 1815.
I was born in 1745 in central Africa and was brought to America as a slave, where we were first settled in Virginia. As an African American, the life of a slave was generally marred with hardships and no freedom whatsoever. Of all places in America at the time, the Southern states had the highest concentration of slaves. In particular, Virginia had one of the highest concentrations of slaves in all of American. Slave unrests were quite common, but more rampant in Virginia and other southern states, than they were in the northern states. Both free and enslaved African people were involved in a number of wars, where they fought with valor. However, the congress in November 1775 decided that the Africans would all be removed from the military out of the concerns that the slave owner in the south had. It was during this time, that most of us that had started to see the fruits of our cooperation and service.
In Virginia, most of us that were now getting used to independent and free labor, were forced back to slave labor, even those that had arms and served in the war were disarmed and forced to labor as slaves. However, Lord Dunmore brought an offer to the slaves where those that joined the British army would find freedom. This led the congress to grant us the freedoms that we had, in fear that we might join in with the redcoats. Ideally, we did not ca...
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