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Modern System of Positional Decimal Notation with Zero

Essay Instructions:

Select two important mathematical events that occurred in your chosen period
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper explaining the events you selected.
- Include the people involved in the events.
- Explain the importance of the events or discoveries through the viewpoints of the people involved.
Cite at least two secondary sources other than the course textbook.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Mathematical Happenings
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Mathematical Happenings
Most people view mathematicians as explorers, mainly because of their quest to develop new theorems. Apparently, current mathematicians are using the roadmap set by earlier experts in this field to correct or rather advance mathematics. For example, Archimedes is a renowned mathematician in the world (Bailey, & Borwein, 2011). He is accredited because he developed the Method of Mechanical Theorems. However, due to the situation in his time, mainly the few numbers of mathematicians who could detect flaws in such a method, then, people found it intriguing. Mainly, people had no expertise in mathematics to know that, it was possible, for example, to find the volume and area of curved figures. Current mathematicians, however, agree that, from ancient times, people could find areas and volumes of curved figures; hence, Archimedes had no special formula to find the same (Mackenzie, & American Math Society, 2009).
Important Happenings
Happening #1
There are many mathematical happenings in the globe today. Although they have some degree of uniqueness, most of them have relied on past mathematical theorems, either to correct or advance the theorems. A single most happening is the single calculation, rather referred to as the character table for the group Es. Apparently, this happening attracted mathematicians and a variety of people, mostly those interested in mathematics; hence, it was among the top 100 "science theories of the year" by Discover Magazine. However, it was not a new theorem all the same, mainly because it showed some traces from prior theorems. The theorem had a calculation proposed two decades ago, and subsequently approved. Nonetheless, its importance comes in due to the fact that, its completion took place or happened in the 21st century since its actual inception (Mackenzie, & American Math Society, 2009).
The theorem has proven effective in the exploration in detail of representations of the Es, which are the core approaches, which the category manifests itself in both mathematics and physics. In addition, the category represented by Es is among the page of an atlas, which is the Atlas of Lie Groups. The Atlas of Lie Groups is still in the process of assembling. This atlas is a combined project of more than twenty mathematicians, which Jeffrey Adams. The main objective is to make information concerning ...
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