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Three Main Types Of Fossil Fuel: Natural Gas, Crude Oil, And Coal

Essay Instructions:

As an overview of a primary energy source, the full paper should include the following sections:

Introduction; Basic physics of the energy source
State-of-the-art utilization methods of the energy source
Socioeconomic impacts
References (this list can be different from what you submitted in your earlier assignment)
Guide your writing with your outline, and the comments you received on the outline. Sources referenced in the paper should be properly cited.

The paper should be no less than 5 pages in length (12 pt, double-spacing, 1' margins) excluding the list of references. The total number of figures and tables should be no more than 5. If images are obtained from online sources or references, they should also be cited in the list of references.
Depth and breadth of information regarding history and technologies (3 pts)
Compliance to formatting guidelines (3 pts)
Ability to analyze the primary energy sources from socioeconomic perspectives covered in lectures (3 pts)
Use of language (e.g. free of typos, grammatical errors) (1 pt)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Fossil Fuel
Fossil Fuel
Fossil fuels are non-renewable energy sources since they take millions of years to be formed and the depletion rate is high due to the high energy consumption in the world. Basically, fossil fuels are formed from fossils, which are remains of dead bodies and plants that decay over a long period of time(Sherman, 2004). Soil layers press down on these fossils to form fossil fuels. The supply of fossil fuels was high when they were first discovered but over the years, they have become scarce resources and we have seen the cost of acquiring them rise gradually. Currently, the environmental impacts of fossil fuel have gathered much attention and other sources of energy that are renewable and more environmentally friendly are being explored.
Types of Fossil Fuel
There are three main types of fossil fuel that are used as sourceof energyand they include natural gas, crude oil, and coal.
Natural Gas
This is a mixture of gases found underground, with methane being the major component. Natural gas is obtained from dead land plants and aquatic organisms and is extracted from the ground through drilling(Moore, 2016). It is however liquidified due to its low density nature to make its transportation easier. Natural gas accumulations discoveries are dated back to 2000 BC in the Iran region. China is said to be the first to drill natural gas in 211 BC. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), which is a natural gas containing heavy petroleum compounds, is said to have been used back in 18th century as a source of portable fuel. It is now commonly used by domestic consumers for cooking and other commercial purposes such as welding. Natural gas is the most environmentally-friendly fossil fuel because it does not emit soot, carbon monoxide and other gases that threaten the environment.
Crude Oil
This is a thick black liquid found beneath the earth surface made up of hydrocarbons. The oil is usually drilled from underground and then pumped to the surface where it is then refined into fuel for motorvehicles and planes. It is also a raw material for plastics and other chemicals such as fertilisers. Crude oil is highly flammable in nature and has to be handled with care. Crude oil was discovered in the middle east region. The Chinese were the first to use crude oil as a source of energy in the 1st century. The demand for oil increased in the 18th century after the drilling technology was developed (Moore, 2016). The first accumulations of crude oil in the U.S were drilled in 1859 in Pennsylvania.
This is a solid, black carbonaceous rock made up of carbon as the major component. Other components include hydrogen, sulphur and water. It is usually mined from the ground where soil beds and rocks are removed using machines and then used to produce electricity. Coal is the largest form of fossil fuel, making it the largest source of energy. Coal mining has been there for ages with evidence revealing that coal mining is dated back to 3490 BC in China(Morris, 2006). Coal became popular in Europe as a result of depleting sources of firewood. The use of coal spread to the United States of America during the Industrial Revolution, where it was used as a source of power for machines and locomotives. Coal has been used for household heating up until the 20th century and its use goes back to over four thousand years ago.
State-of-the-art Utilisation Methods of Fossil Fuel
According to Ohio State University, engineers at the university have developed a technology called chemical looping. This technology has the ability to burn fossil fuels without releasing carbon dioxide into the environment. The technology uses metal oxide particles to combust fossil fuels in the absence of oxygen under high pressure ...
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