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Civil War Impact on the Society, Economy, Politics, and Groups

Essay Instructions:

Please use sources from last paper and most of your information should come from the first paper that was written for me. Please let me know if you have any questions. Below are the instructions.
Assignment 1.2: Industrialization After the Civil War Final Paper
Due Week 5 and worth 120 points
After the Civil War, the United States became a much more industrialized society. Between 1865 and 1920, industrialization improved American life in many ways. However, industrialization also created problems for American society. Consider events that took place after the Civil War and discuss ways that industrialization affected the U.S. between 1865 and 1920.
You have already developed a thesis statement and developed an outline in which you identify three main points relevant to your topic. Now you will develop the final paper in which you explore your main points in detail.
Prompt: Discuss three (3) major aspects of industrialization between 1865 and 1920. Identify three (3) specific groups that were affected by industrialization and provide two examples for each group describing how the group was affected.
Key Themes:
United States industrialization improving and creating problems for American society
Society, the economy, and politics
Issues such as race, ethnicity, gender, and child labor
How industrialization affected the life of the average working American during this period
Events that took place after the Civil War
Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:
Introduce your paper with your previously crafted thesis statement.
Discuss three (3) major aspects of industrialization between 1865 and 1920. In your response, consider society, the economy, and politics.
Identify three (3) specific groups that were affected by industrialization and provide two examples for each group describing how the group was affected. (Consider issues such as race, ethnicity, gender, child labor, etc.)
Summarize how industrialization affected the life of the average working American during this period. Use specific examples and details.
Use at least three (3) academic references besides or in addition to the textbook. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA style or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Industrialization after the Civil War
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The civil war resulted in a lot of changes in the world and, especially in the economic sector. There was a fast growth of industries which in turn, affected the daily lives of individuals. Following the Civil War, industrial revolution influenced the U.S. society by transforming the Americans' lifestyles, spurred economic development, and transformed the political environment regarding the implementation of laws and regulations about the activities and operations of the businesses between 1865 and 1920.
Impact on the society
In regard to the impact that industrialization had on the society, the industrial revolution was a tremendous period that transformed human history, changing virtually all aspects of the society and people's daily lifestyles. An example is the diverse development of roads and manufacturing technologies. This led to an increase in the amount of farming that was being carried out as well as the manufacturing activities since people could easily transport their products. As a result, people ended up accumulating wealth hence improving their standards of living (Hirschman & Mogford, 2009).
As well, the improvement in the transport sectors led to an increase in the job opportunities in the urban areas hence allowing people to move from the rural to the urban areas. The negative impact of this migration is that it led to overcrowded cities which marked the beginning of pollution. The competition for resources also raised the cost of living in the cities.
Economic Impact
The industrial revolution was also responsible for increased economic growth and development as companies and industry started to ship and transport raw materials over long distances. The competition for the market due to increased population in the urban areas resulted in a sprout of new industries in an attempt to cater for the needs of the growing population. Therefore, profitable businesses emerged as a result of efficient transport networks and abundant supply of labor and raw materials and these were instrumental in enhancing accelerated economic growth (Miceli, 2009). An example is the construction industry since people needed shelter. Also, the clothing and food industries were among the many that expanded their operations across the cities.
In addition, finished products were distributed by manufacturers through different transport networks such as roads and rail to various points across the country. This required manual labor and was thus a way of creating employment opportunities. A nati...
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