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Research & Describe Tremendous Economic Growth in Pre-War America

Essay Instructions:

Write a paper that explains what factors accounted for the tremendous growth in the American economy between 1790 and 1860. Below are some items to consider. (Please refer to at least two of these in your response.)

Changes in communications
Changes in transportation
Changes in agricultural production
In your paper, relate the most significant impact of two or more of these factors and how they helped transform the American economy as it approached the eve of the Civil War.


**Your paper should include at least four paragraphs with an introduction, a body with at least three fully developed paragraphs, and a conclusion. The essay should contain a fully developed and supported thesis statement.**
Your paper should be two to three pages in length, not including the required References page.
Incorporate a minimum of two academic sources (journal articles, books, etc.) other than the textbook for the course. Please use at least one primary source, identified in the syllabus.
Format your entire paper according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Economic Growth in Pre-War America
Tremendous Economic Growth in Pre-War America
The pre-war period in America was marked by extensive industrialization and agrarian revolution alongside even population distribution across the United States. The secession of the southern states permitted the national economy to thrive since the tariff rates in the North were raised to an average of 57%. Development of infrastructure, for instance, railway transport, linked the largely industrial North with the farmlands and pastures in the South (Fishlow, 1965). The expansion of the railway transport system directly benefited the metal industry since steel and iron production was stepped up to cater for the supply of construction materials. This paper seeks to unravel the factors that contributed to the tremendous economic growth in pre-war America.
Factors that Contributed to the Tremendous Economic Growth in America between 1790 and 1870
Changes in Communication
Innovation was an important aspect of economic growth in America. The rate at which innovations were propagated grew steadily during the pre-war period. The discovery of rotary press and the use of steam-powered printers steered the expansive use of print media for mass communication (Blackburn, Coombs, & Green, 1985). Newspapers such as the Tribune, the Sun, and the Herald did cost much less than they did cost prior to these innovations. Telegraphs pioneered in the late 1840s aided the gathering and distribution of news. The construction of railroads across the country linked the Northeast and the Midwest, thus facilitates communication between masses in these areas.
The development of printing technology and the transport sector allowed the distribution of brochures, books, broadsides, and newspapers throughout the North at low costs consequently aiding the anti-slavery campaign. Reformers were also able to get their message far and wide attributing to communication technologies. These technologies also ensured that Americans get first-hand information and images pertaining to the war. The railway transport allowed newspaper reporters direct access to waterfront, thus availing war reports to the people at recommendable speeds. The soldiers’ family members closely followed the progress of the war through the newspapers. Some magazines employed electrotyping thus produced real images of the soldiers at war in their weekly reviews.
Changes in Transport
The American market was greatly divided in the 18th century since no real transport links existed. The intensive development of railroads opened up the United States to markets in the North, South, and Midwest (Fishlow, 1965). Prior to the developments in railway transport, Americans had become self-sufficient in that they only consumed what they produced, exchanged goods for those they needed. The railroads shed a new ray for agricultural production as farmers could now commercialize their farming. They have now grown crops, transported them to markets across the county, sold the p...
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