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Essay Assignment #4. The Journey of Feminism. History Essay

Essay Instructions:

Textbook:Give Me Liberty!


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"The time has come for a new movement toward true equality for all women in America," declared the 1966 Statement of Purpose of the National Organization for Women. What specific measures did the document call for to provide the women of the United States with "opportunity and freedom of choice"? Over a half a century has passed since Betty Friedan wrote those words. How far have we come in achieving her goals?

Your responses should be approximately 500 words. Strive to make a clear and decisive argument in each essay by dividing it into three parts:

1. Exposition. Your first paragraph should describe the reading, and briefly explain what you have decided about the questions posed.

2. Development. The middle of your essay should explain your answer. It should offer details about the main arguments and content of the reading to support your claims. It should also offer background from Give Me Liberty!

3. Conclusion. Your last paragraph should recapitulate your argument, and add some final point that you think bolsters your perspective.

You can use phases like "in this essay I argue . . . " or "I think that . . . " or "in conclusion, I believe that . . . "

Quote a little from the readings when you find some passage that illustrates your points. Use your Give Me Liberty! textbook to provide background, or to add additional quotes. When you quote, reference your quote at the end of the sentence like this:

(Give Me Liberty!, 375) or, for licensed (legal) online versions: (Give Me Liberty!, Kindle, Chapter 5) or (Give Me Liberty!, PDF, Chapter 5).

But please draw your material primarily from the textbook, and don't over-quote. Use your own words. And don't just copy passages verbatim as if they were your own. That's plagiarism.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Journey of Feminism
[date]The women's battle against the patriarchal society has gone far if we look at the differences from the time of Betty Friedan to the present. True enough, the first activists of women's rights stabilized the fight to reclaim their places and spaces in society (Foner, 2020, p. 1015). However, there is still wondering about how far have the feminists come in getting their rights and liberty from the patriarchal system. In the past, women had to march and shout to the world that they have the right to vote, choose their careers, and liberate themselves from the expectation of being a housewife (Foner, 2020, p. 1014). Women's suffrage was only able to happen because women activists had fought for it. Before this, society only gave the right to vote to men who the world saw as superior beings. Careers and professional jobs were also places for men and not for women. Society did not see women as capable in the corporate world. What everyone expected from women was to become a wife, bring a child to the world, and rear them while taking care of the household (Neuhaus, 1999). Women were only supposed to be housewives.
After some time, women were given their chance to pursue careers, aside from eventually becoming a housewife and a mother. However, despite the opportunity, patriarchy was still roaming around for women. Betty Friedan was among the pioneer feminist activists who wrote about the discrimination that women would get in the corporate world (Foner, 2020, p. 1015). Friedan was able to encourage many women to rise against the system that looked down on their capability to work alongside men. Since then, women have been seeking to justify the space they occupy without getting humiliated and compared to men. One of the achievements of Friedan's movement was the Equal Pay Act and The Civil Rights Act of 1964, which both consider women as equal laborer...
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