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Economic Policy Decisions

Essay Instructions:

Peer response 1:

Constitutional Powers:

The founding fathers’ intent in granting enumerated powers to the federal government was to create a framework in which America’s economy could succeed (Klukowski, 2011). In examining Article 1 Section 8, one can find the enumerated powers the Constitution grants to the federal government. As it relates to budgetary policy, the government is granted the power to lay and collect taxes, coin money, borrow money, and regulate foreign and domestic commerce (U.S. Const. art. 1, § 8). With the Constitutionally backed authorities given to the federal government, it is within the government’s right to address and adjust economic and budgetary policy within the United States. While government may enact changes to its economic and budgetary policy, the system of checks and balances that exist between each branch at the federal level ensure that government maintains its limited authority (Fischer, 2013).

Biblical Authority:

This section will consider a Biblical model for addressing whether a government may enact or adjust economic policy. Jesus commands his followers to render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s in Matthew 22:21. In Romans 13, Paul teaches the Roman church “let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities”. As this country was established on biblical principles such as natural law, inalienable rights, and federalist principles, the federal government’s limited and constitutional approach to economic policy may be pursued. This biblical framework mandates that the federal government may not infringe on its citizens’ inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as it pursues its policy goals and objectives (Fischer, 2013). In addition, the federal government may pursue economic policy if it complies with natural law and operates in a limited manner that upholds the framework of federalism promoted by the founding fathers (Fischer, 2013).


Fischer, K. (2013). Biblical Principles of Government. 

Klukowski, K. (2011). Public Administration 550, Week Three, Lecture Two: Ideas that Shape Public Policy: Taxation. Lynchburg, VA:
Peer response 2:

Biblical Parameters Economic Policy

Regarding biblical parameters for fiscal policy issues, one can look at economic growth in our country, how our economy is stimulated, how it is grown, and how it affects our debt. Then he said,"Beware! Guard against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own (New Living Translation, 2015 Luke 12:15). The question is: How do we grow our economy without leaving specific individuals behind or financially poor? Greed is a sin. However, can our economy grow without a sense of greed within one's nature? Or are there other ways to build a utopia for all to prosper that do not hinder economic growth? The state of our economy is a very controversial topic in our daily economy regarding the debt ceiling. There are stories of poor people being saved by Jesus Christ and wealthy individuals who give up all their possessions to follow.

constitutional parameters fiscal policy issues

In Article 1, section 8, clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution, the welfare spending clause is the portion that provides Congress and the President with the power to levy taxes. This is expected to provide for the defense of the community to repay America's debt and benefit the whole welfare of the nation.

Regarding our national debt and the surplus within our government, politicians and people debate whether we should use that money to pay down our debts or use it to grow our economy and spend more and more (Kraft & Furlong, 2021). Ultimately, we need to do what is best for our people and our future, which is the future generations.


Kraft, M. E., & Furlong, S. R. (2021). Public policy: Politics, analysis, and alternatives.

Congressional Quarterly

Note: I just need you to response to these two peer discussions. 130-150 words for each response.

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Economic Policy

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Economic Policy

The US Constitution is a powerful tool when it comes to execution of the economic policy both at the federal and state levels. Article 1, section 8, clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution mandates the elected representatives to make some of the economic policy decisions (Klukowski, 2011). However, even amidst the power that the constitution has accorded the legislature and the executive arms, citizens still have the ultimate authority over economic decisions by extension. The constitution of the US gives citizens the mandate to elect or disapprove of some appointments. Through their consumption decisions, citizens indirectly influence economic policy Kraft and Furlong (2021). Businesses are influenced by customer demand, and changes in consumer behavior may have an impact on economic policies. Other constitutional provisions in the Bill

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