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The Ecclesiastical Ordinances

Essay Instructions:

What institutions did the author's article establish and why?

Complete a short Essay on the article below, Approximately, 500 words and keep in mind the rubric.

John Calvin, "Ecclesiastical Ordinances" (Geneva, Switzerland), 1533.

Influenced by earlier reformers including Erasmus and Luther, John Calvin (1509-1564) emerged as a dynamic and important Protestant leader in the 1530s. Born in France but later moving and working in Switzerland, Calvin's ideas and theology influenced the rapid spread of new Protestant denominations in the Holy Roman Empire, Switzerland, The Netherlands, England, and France. Puritanism in England and the Huguenot movement in France were both based on Calvin's theology. The "Ecclesiastical Ordinances" were a clear statement of Calvin's beliefs and practices of the Protestant movement he led in Switzerland. The inhabitants of Geneva approved them by vote where they became governing articles.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Ecclesiastical Ordinances Student’s Name Institution The Ecclesiastical Ordinances John Calvin was an influential Protestant leader in the 1530s. His ideas and theology lead to the rapid spread of Protestant denominations. Calvin has expressed his beliefs and practices of the Protestant movement in Switzerland in the “Ecclesiastical Ordinances” which the residents of Geneva approved by voting them to become governing articles (Hans, 1968). Calvin proposed the establishment of the following institutions in The Ecclesiastical Ordinances. A School for the Youth The school aimed to prepare the young generation for future roles in both the church and the government. The school was to accommodate children and others who wished to benefit from the instructions of the teachers. It was to be the only school for small children in the city, and as before, the girls would have a separate school. A literate person who was well educated on the subject matter as well as being a good manager who can manage the school needed to be hired (Hans, 1968). The person was to be employed under contract as long he would ensure that student under his charge was fluent in languages and dialectics. Teachers to be hired should have had bachelor degrees. The teachers were to be subjected to the same ecclesiastical discipline as the ministers. The ministers would then approve all appointees and then inform the authorities of their choice for recommendations. The Council of El...
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