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Reflection 2 My Development Individually And Academically

Essay Instructions:

Welcome to our second Reflection assignment.

This post will be similar to what you wrote in your last reflection, but you will be focused on the material in Unit 2.

This is not a formal paper, but rather meant to serve as a way for you to put all the pieces together or demonstrate your understanding of a particular topic. There are no right or wrong topics or political opinions. Just show me that you engaged with history in some meaningful way. You may wish to see my comments from the last post as a guide.

Use the briefguide_writing_history.pdfPreview the document as a guide if you wish.

What I am looking for is a clear thesis or idea, paragraphs and college-level communicating, and evidence to back up your idea in roughly 500-750 words. You can either submit a text entry or a file upload if you wish. If you use quotes or ideas from sources, be sure to cite those in the reference style of your choice. In the Unit 1 reflection, many of you did not cite sources. Be sure that you do so in the post, if needed. Also remember to write your name at the top and provide a word count at the bottom.

Again, please keep in mind that your thoughts are more important to me than formality of a paper. Content is king. Don't get hung up on thinking this has to be a formal paper, it doesn't. It can be if that is your style, but a simple text entry is fine as well.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflection 2
Word Count: 644
This unit has provided me with essential information and knowledge regarding American history. This is because there are several topics and events that I was not familiar with, such as the strategies used by the military and how women helped in the fight, but through this unit, I managed to acquire critical insights concerning such issues. This paper outlines and explains some of the key occurrences in American History that I have learned in this module and also examine how these have impacted my development individually and academically.
I am thrilled by the circumstances that led to the foundation of the Continental Army and its advantages during the Revolution War. The army was formed when the American Revolution first began, at this time the colonists did not have an army and they instead relied on militias and sometimes organized temporary regiments which were used during specific crises (Shi & Tindall, 2016). This army was vital in defeating the British and their Germany allies. The most fascinating thing about the army was the Fabian Strategy, this approach was aimed at wearing the British army down by avoiding decisive battles. The advantages of the continental army include the existence of experienced leadership of George Washington who led the soldiers in fighting for a grand cause, their independence, and freedom. Under individual development, the occurrences surrounding the commitment of the continental army have enabled me to realize the need for being patriotic offering support to my country.
Another fascinating thing that I have learned from this unit is how the Native Americans participated in the Revolution War. Majority of the Native tribes fought for the British but there are a few who sided with Americans. There are interesting reasons which explain this trend. First, most...
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