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Slavery in Early American History

Essay Instructions:
i'll attach the details. i just attached everything. please just exactuly follow the essay format that i attached. and u gonna need chapter two from the book" The white man's burden" and i attached all that chapter, so u can read it. i only want a one resourse which is this book" the white man's burden" plea write a four paragraph essay with a strong introductory paragraph, followed by the two body pargraph discussing the above quotations, and a final concluding paragraph. And please Underline the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph . please provide a five direct quotes in the body of essay. Be sure to include a WORD COUNT at the end of the essay. its a paper shows the grading scale. like how the professor will grade the essay
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Slavery in Early American History
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Jordan’s book points out aspects concerning African slavery origin within the new world. It is indicated within the second chapter of Jordan’s work that Difference turned out to be an indispensable key towards African’s degradation within English America. This paper attempts to highlight the various differences which were referred to by the author within the second chapter and also the ways through which the differences brought about African’s degradation within English America. This is because Africans ended up being degraded or rather attaining varying treatment from attained treatment by other groups such as English Americans due to perceived differences between them. It is apparent that the existing differences amid African’s and Americans propped up the realization of the experienced African’s degradation within English America.
For instance, the fact that Africans held a different ethnicity from English Americans formed the basis of the experienced African’s degradation within English America. Jordan quotes that “By 1700, when Africans began flooding into English America, they were treated as somehow deserving a life and status radically different from English and other European settler” (Jordan, p.26). This brings to our attention that the different treatment or African’s degradation was attributed to the fact that Africans were perceived as originating from different ethnic group from the English Americans. Within America, Englishmen had come up with a legal status which was new, running in opposition to English laws. This implies that Africans were offered a varying treatment from that offered to other settlers because of the fact that they belonged to a different group of ethnicity which was perceived as occupying a lower rank compared to English as well as other settlers from Europe. The fact that other settlers were perceived as originating from ethnic groups which were placed within higher social ranks earned them a different way of treatment from Africans. This justifies the idea that ethnic differences turned out to be an indispensable key towards African’s degradation within English America. The aspects concerning Africans’ degradation came up because of the experienced conditions within English America. For instance, through personal freedom utilization, English practices, assumptions and laws were reshaped by the experienced wilderness conditions. Within America, there was plentiful land, scarce labor, and just like within entire new colonies there was desperate need for cash crops. The experienced conditions of the economy were to stay crucial for considerable time period and they had the tendency of encouraging higher geographical mobility, higher rewards, less specialization and also fewer restraints upon labor products and processes. It was these issues which pushed English Americans to obtain Africans as slaves, a situation which made them to be degraded.
Secondly, it is evident that social power differences amid Africans and also English Americans brought about African’s degradation within English America. It was because of the fact that Africans held limited social power compared to English Americans that they were degraded and were not allowed to enjoy their full personal rights while they were held as slaves. Jordan indicates that “first of all, the “slave’s” loss of freedom was complete” (Jordan, p.31). This substantiated the ...
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