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Development of Mathematics

Essay Instructions:

Please read chapters 9 and 10 and answer the following two questions.

Q1: Who was al-Khwarizmi and why is he important?

Q2: What relationship did the Maya have with the concept of zero?

Book:Evans, B. R. (2015). Conceptual understanding in mathematics: A handbook

on the reasoning behind selected mathematical topics. New York, NY: Author.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

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Development of Mathematics
Institution Affiliation
1 Who was al-Khwarizmi, and why is he important?
An important personal Persian mathematician named Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi was one of the initial administrators of the House of Wisdom in Baghdad at the beginning of the 9th century. He supervised the transformation of the main mathematical and astronomical works in Greek and Indian into Arabic. In addition, he generated unique concepts that had an ongoing impact on Muslim and subsequent European mathematics (Evans, 2015). Perhaps his most significant mathematical innovation is his ardent promotion of the Hindu mathematical notation. The Hindu numbers 1 – 9 and 0 - now called Hindu-Arabic numerals - were quickly embraced by the whole Islamic world. Subsequently, Adelard of Bath's and other's interpretations of Al-work Khvarizmi's in Latin was accepted across Europe, as were the work of Fibonacci's 'Liber Abaci.'
Al-other Khwarizmi's major contribution has been algebra. The word "al-Kitab Al-mukhtar Fi hisab al-jabr Wa'l-muqabala," which he wrote in approximately 830, was the title of mathematical work. Al-Khwarizmi was looking for a wider approach to analysis issues, from the specific difficulties examined by Indians and Chinese. In doing so, he established an abstract mathematical dialect that is currently utilized across the globe.
Al-Khwarizmi made major advancements to astronomy, focused on his mathematics research, and invented the first quadrant. The second most frequently utilized medieval astrological equipment after the astrolabe (a device used to estimate time by sun or sun observations). The revision and finishing of Ptolemy's Geography were also created, comprising a database of 2,402 city locat...
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