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Understanding the Roots of Civil Rights Movement

Essay Instructions:

Answer in a complete, insightful, and inclusive manner. You should build an argument that is supported with as much evidence from course readings, discussions, and movies, as possible. You may use some outside sources, but you should rely primarily on assigned course materials. Your paper should be between two and three pages in length, but it is quality, not quantity I am looking for. You can either submit this assignment in text or as an attachment. Finally, make sure that you cite all of your work.

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The Civil Rights Movement
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The Civil Rights Movement
The civil rights movement was more than a civil rights movement that, although it did not entirely change the equality landscape within the American society and workplaces, signaled and spread further awareness on the necessity of a crucial shift in the treatment of various aspects related to gender and racial diversity. While many studies and historians believe the movement spans decade earlier than the 1940s, it was ideal for forcing further America to face the interlinked societal flaws summarized into racism, materialism, poverty, militarism, and even sexual harassment, especially with the minority groups (Hall, 2007, p. 235). These flaws were mainly necessary political, social and legal changes that have since paved the way for new progressive actions on racism, discrimination, and other aspects of contemporary diverse American society. Thus, I believe it is vital to understand the historical development of this civil rights conflict to grasp such consequences of this era. This essay generally examines the roots of the civil rights conflict, some of the largest steps in this movement, and personal perspectives on the key failures in the same context, among other emerging aspects.
Roots of the Civil Rights Conflict
Generally, the 50s and 1960s civil rights movement’s emergence is mainly linked to the black community’s World War II experiences and the transformed social conditions. With numerous previously closed work positions for the black community workers now open and considering that most of them lived in the south before World War I, the resulting black people migrated to the North led to an unpredicted scale. A study even predicts that at least 77% of black workers still residing in their prior slave states by 1940, and the figure significantly dropped to 68% with the mentioned movement (Shawki, 2006, p. 153). Arguably, this blacks' urbanization transformed their character while even heightening their confidence within the North and the south to challenge or address racism. Also, as a result of the movement, black employment across the manufacturing industry heightened, and thousands joined the various industrial unions. The black community also played a vital role during the war and proved generally decisive. Thus, the hundreds of thousands of black fighters perceived that having fought for democracy in foreign nations or the war meant having their rights back at home, arguably fought for those rights. I think these aspects are among the key factors that led to the movement's emergence before other contributing factors.
While the door to these rights was closely shut when the wars ended, the same introduced this society to progressive inequality, strident social campaigning, and less or dismal civic participation the following years or decades. With...
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