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Research and Describe What is American Culture?

Essay Instructions:

Paper topic 1: American culture 
“American” can be a difficult word to define. “Culture” may be the most complicated word in the English language. Put them together, and they make “American culture,” an extraordinarily vast, varied, and complicated term. American culture, whatever it may be, became increasingly difficult to define in the 20th century, as the nation grew larger and more diverse, and the pace of historical and cultural change accelerated.  
In brief, the paper topic is simply this: Write an essay on the following questions: 
What is American culture? Is there such a thing as American culture? 
Consider American culture by focusing on one of four broad themes that Americans often used to describe their culture: abundance; rights; personal freedom; diversity. Write an essay on one of these themes. To what extent does, say, abundance typify American culture in the 20th and early 21st centuries? To what extent is it misleading? Has it encountered critics, as well as supporters? To what extent is it a reality, or merely an aspiration? 
Your essay should rely on at least two sources, which may be texts from the course readings or other sources.  
abundance: In the 20th century, more (but not all) Americans began to scramble up to socioeconomic ladder and into the broad middle class. Many Americans began to consider a minimal level of economic well-being, or even affluence, among the hallmarks of American life.  
rights: The Bill of Rights was written in 1789, but rights were not usually a central theme in American history until the 20th century, or even until the Civil Rights and feminist movements of the 1950s, ‘60s, and ‘70s. Because of these movements, Americans tend to think of their freedoms as rights, which are not granted by government, and cannot be taken away by it.  
personal freedom: Many Americans embrace “expressive individualism,” which has been defined as the belief that each individual has a unique, authentic core of feeling and intuition that he or she should be allowed to explore and express. As a result, many Americans allow individuals latitude to make decisions about their personal lifestyle.  

Essay Sample Content Preview:

American Culture
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American Culture
What is American Culture?
American culture includes the traditions and customs of the United States. "Culture includes religion, sustenance, what we wear, how we wear it, our dialect, marriage, music, what Americans accept is correct or wrong, how we sit at the table, how individuals welcome guests, how we act with friends and family, and a million different things," said Cristina De Rossi, an anthropologist at Barnet and Southgate College in London. The United States is once in a while portrayed as a "blend" in which diverse societies have contributed their own particular unmistakable "flavors" to American culture. Similarly, as organizations from around the globe have affected American culture, today American culture impacts the world. The term Western culture regularly alludes to the way of life of the United States. The way individuals "dissolve" in the United States varies. "Distinctive gatherings of migrants incorporate in various ways," De Rossi revealed to Live Science. "For instance, in the United States, Catholic Spanish-talking groups may keep their dialect and other social family customs, yet are incorporated in the urban group and have grasped the American lifestyle in numerous different ways."
There is no official dialect of the United States, as indicated by the U.S. government. While practically every dialect on the planet is talked in the United States, Spanish, Chinese, French and German are among the most much of the time spoke non-English dialects. 90% of the U.S. populace talks and comprehends, at any rate, some English, and most authority business is led in English. Then again, almost every known religion is drilled in the United States, which was established on the premise of religious opportunity. Around 83 percent of Americans recognize themselves as Christians, as indicated by an ABC survey, while 13 percent answered that they had no religion by any stretch of the imagination. Another survey in 2012 revealed comparable discoveries. It likewise found that Judaism is the second most-distinguished religious association, at around 1.7 percent of the populace. Just 0.6 percent of respondents distinguished as Muslim.
The present-day American economy follows its underlying foundations to the mission of European pioneers for monetary pick up in the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth hundreds of years. The New World then advanced from a possibly productive frontier economy to a small, free cultivating economy and, in the long run, to an exceptionally complex mechanical economy. Amid this advancement, the United States always grew complex establishments to match its development. And keeping in mind that administration inclusion in the economy has been a predictable topic, the degree of that contribution, by the whole, has expanded. North America's first occupants were Native Americans - indigenous people groups who are accepted to have flown out to America around 20,000 years prior to a land connect from Asia, where the Bering Strait is today. (They were erroneously called "Indians" by European pilgrims, who thought they had achieved India when initially arriving in the Americas.) These local people groups were sorted out in tribes and, now and again, confederations of tribes. While they exchanged among themselves, they had little contact with people groups on different landmasses, even with other local people groups in South America, before European pilgrims started arriving (Marsden, 2006). What financial frameworks they developed were decimated by the Europeans who settled their properties.
Vikings were the main Europeans to "find" America. Be that as it may, the occasion, which happened around the year 1000, went to a great extent unnoticed; at the time, the majority of European culture was still solidly given farming and land possession (Holloway, 2005). The business had not yet expected the significance that would give a driving force to the further investigation and settlement of North America. In 1492, Christopher Columbus, an Italian cruising under the Spanish banner, set out to locate a southwest section to Asia and found "Another World." For the following 100 years, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, and French pioneers cruised from Europe for the New World, searching for gold, wealth, respect, and radiance. However, the North American wild offered early pioneers little wonderfulness and less gold, so most did not remain. The general population who in the end settled North America arrived later. In 1607, a band of Englishmen constructed the major lasting settlement in what was to wind up noticeably the United States. The settlement, Jamestown, was situated in the present-day condition of Virginia.
Human rights in the United States involve a progression of rights which are legitimately ensured by the Constitution ...
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