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Media Bias Regarding Slavery

Essay Instructions:
Read the following pro- and anti-slavery documents (found on the web site Africans in America-accessible from the Web Links), select a position and, in a two-page essay, examine the descriptions of, and defense or attack of slavery offered in the documents. Pay seek to include answers to the following points within your essay: What stereotypes do these documents promote about African-Americans? How do these men justify slavery? Or what points do they make about the need to abolish slavery? Should the emancipated slaves remain \"on-soil,\" that is, in the United States? How do these men envision civilized society and slavery\'s place in it? What remarks do the abolitionists make about the conditions under which the slaves worked and lived? The pro-slavery writers? What are your impressions about the attitudes these men had about slavery, whether they were slavery proponents or abolitionists? In what ways are the arguments of these men reflective of racial prejudice? The links to the web readings are available from the Web Links. Pro-Slavery George Fitzhugh Advocates Slavery On the Management of the Butler Estate Diseases and Peculiarities of the Negro Race James Henry Hammond Advocates Slavery Abolitionists The Liberator: \"To The Public\" Frederick Douglass, \"What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?\" Angelina Grimké Weld\'s speech at Pennsylvania Hall David Walker\'s Appeal As always, check the Course Calendar for the due dates for this assignment. ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS I'm so sorry the instructions are wrong the the the paper should be able... Although the term "media bias" is relatively new, the idea that newspapers shape the story to support or refute a particular viewpoint is evident in when looking at contemporary newspaper accounts regarding slavery from the Valley of the Shadow project, located in the web links. Was it evident in the articles you examined? If so, please give some examples of how this was accomplished by some of the newspapers you examined. Was it difficult is it examine documents such as the ones you read during this lesson and try to see them in their historical context rather than through the "lens" of the 21st century?
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Media Bias Regarding Slavery
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The terms media bias, referrers to the role of newspapers and journalists within media circles, in limiting certain stories, not to mention influencing exactly how they are covered and reported. Although it is a fairly new term, media bias has existed ever since mass media came into being. This paper seeks to examine whether contemporary newspapers during the civil war, exhibited media bias in their accounts regarding slavery.
Evidence of Media Bias in the Newspaper Reports
Slavery being an issue pitting the south which favored its abolition, and the north, which was mostly pro-slavery, was subject to individual passions, not excluding those of media owners, who were mostly whites of immense affluence. One such example of a newspaper was the Detroit Free Press. In narrating the story of an elopement between a Negro and a white heiress, the author seems to indicate their loathing and...
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