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Canadian studies

Essay Instructions:
sending additional attachment with instruction. Instructions Each student will prepare a 6 to 7 page (excluding title page and bibliography), typewritten, double-spaced research paper on multiculturalism using the Global and Mail's 2010 series on multiculturalism. The series can be found here: http://www(dot)theglobeandmail(dot)com/news/national/time-to-lead/multiculturalism/ Students will need to consult at least 4 of the Globe and Mail articles and answer the following question(s): Is multiculturalism working for Canada? Is it a resounding success story -- or a reason why we still struggle to define what it means to be Canadian? At what point does accommodating differences become detrimental to nation building? Students may choose from the following articles for their papers – all are available on http://www(dot)theglobeandmail(dot)com/news/national/time-to-lead/multiculturalism/. 1. Ingrid Peritz and Joe Frisen, “When Multiculturalism Doesn't Work,” Globe and Mail, October 1, 2010. http://www(dot)theglobeandmail(dot)com/news/national/time-to-lead/multiculturalism/part-1-when-multiculturalism-doesnt-work/article1737375/ 2. John Ibbitson and Joe Frisen, “Conservative Immigrants Boost Tory Fortunes,” Globe and Mail, October 4, 2010 . http://www(dot)theglobeandmail(dot)com/news/national/time-to-lead/multiculturalism/part-2-conservative-immigrants-boost-tory-fortunes/article1738150/ 3. Joe Frisen and Sandra Martin, “How Religious Immigrants are Changing Canada/Canada's Changing Faith,” Globe and Mail, October 5, 2010. http://www(dot)theglobeandmail(dot)com/news/national/time-to-lead/multiculturalism/part-3-canadas-changing-faith/article1741422/ 4. Jill Mahoney, “Is Immigration about the Economy or Nation Building?” Globe and Mail, October 6, 2010. http://www(dot)theglobeandmail(dot)com/news/national/time-to-lead/multiculturalism/part-4-is-immigration-about-the-economy-or-nation-building/article1743228/ 5. Various, “10 Leaders on How to Change Multiculturalism,” Globe and Mail, October 8, 2010. http://www(dot)theglobeandmail(dot)com/news/national/time-to-lead/multiculturalism/part-5-10-leaders-on-how-to-change-multiculturalism/article1745221/ 6. Editorial, “Strike Multiculturalism from the National Vocabulary,” Globe and Mail, October 8, 2010. http://www(dot)theglobeandmail(dot)com/news/national/time-to-lead/multiculturalism/part-6-editorial-strike-multiculturalism-from-the-national-vocabulary/article1748958/ Students may also utilize the videos posted on the Globe and Mail site, but the videos will not count toward the 4 required articles for this assignment. I also discourage you from using the chat and discussion sections of the Globe and Mail site. Please cite the Globe and Mail articles in your paper as they appear above. The following criteria will be used to evaluate the content of your essays: i. Comprehension: · comprehension of course content, especially the ability to define and apply course concepts and theories · comprehension of sources used · factual accuracy of historical events ii. Analytical Content: · clear argumentation i.e. thesis · interpretation and analysis, rather than mere description · development of argument in the paper i.e. there is sufficient explanation of the topic in the paper; the argument is supported with evidence and concrete examples · ability to discuss the broader implications of the argument iii. Depth of Argument: · goes beyond superficial or common-sense understandings · goes beyond what was discussed in class lessons and textbook <o iv. Sources Used: · required number of sources are used for essay v. Presentation: · spelling, grammar, punctuation, notes and bibliography, font and margins
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Multiculturalism in Canada Name Course Lecturer Date Multiculturalism is a unique utterance in Canada which is used to refer to numerous but related incidents. It is also referred to as the demographic reality of a Canadian population which is made up of different people but with similar occurrence. Multiculturalism is believed to be made up of peoples and groups representing a plurality of ethno cultural traditions and racial origin. It is believed to be a value that accepts cultural pluralism as a positive and idiosyncratic attribute of Canadian society. (Paul, 1981). This paper seeks to answer the questions on whether multiculturalism work for Canada, whether the story on Canada multiculturalism is a success story, why people struggle while trying to define what is meant to be a Canadian as well as what point does accommodating differences become detrimental to nation building. According to Lang, 1959, Multicultural aspects like characterization makes reputed sense to Canadian whenever they are asked to illustrate a prominent feature of their country. This makes it so while considering it`s demographic with its assortment of peoples representing many different ethno cultural traditions. Canadians are believed not to have an encyclopedia that describe their population since they are believed to have a large population and they are said to be alike, those who were born in Canada and the immigrants since they share a common national naissance myth. There are several challenges that are facing countries with diverse populations and this why several countries have developed some measures which will help them embark upon the challenges facing them. Of all other countries, Canada has the best approach and this have made it possible to be honed by other countries. It is believed that Canada is the genesis of officially sanctioned multiculturalism policy, as well as a history of been possible to accommodate two official language communities. In this case, it has been possible to persistently adapt to the increasing ethnic racial, linguistic and religious diversity. Though multiculturalism seems to be perfect in Canada, it has several challenges since not every individual concur its legalization. In this case, there are some separate sections that recognize indigenous peoples and official language minorities, as well as sections that are aware of religious freedom and those who acknowledge the multicultural heritage of Canada. This is made possible since some of Canada Acts chapter of Rights and freedoms that supports legislation, recognizes, protect, as well s promoting the rights of the diverse groups (Day, 2000). The fact that have made it possible for multiculturalism to work in Canada is it`s versed support from the government, non-government and other individuals who fight for equal rights of each an every Canadian regardless of their origin, racial as neither their complexity. The Canadian multiculturalism Act (1988) have strengthened this fact since it have made it possible to be included in their constitution and therefore making it impossible for minorities to go against it. The challenging fact is that immigration and refugee protection Act which looks like a two way street. In this Act, both Canadians and the refugees are expected to adapt to Canada and Canadian norms while on the other hand the Canadian people are expected to adapt to a spreading population, resulting to diversity hence attaining the word "Canadian Diversity Model". In the latest research on Canada population, it have been noted that Canada immigration level has risen which have made it a subject to the government in trying their best to come up with measure on how they will tackle this wide rage of diversities. The trend towards immigration from Asia, Africa and the Middle East has contributed in the increase of diverse population since it was reported that more than 200 ethnic origins were account during the 2001 census where Canadians, French and English were the most commonly reported and this shows the picture of Canadian history and the tradition immigration patterns (Day, 2000). The challenge is that the Canadians are not only the migrant group which is varying at a high rate but there are also other people like the Chinese, Pakistan`s and the Indians which seems to change the expected result of the immigration of the ethnic groups since they are driven by both immigration and a high birth rate. It is an overwhelming question on whether the multiculturalism perfectly work in china but this can be stated as yes since of everything regarding immigration is in their constitution and this strengthening them since even the minorities trepidation whenever they try to go against it. In this case, Canadians are believed not only to support diversity and multiculturalism, but also the process of immigration that leads to it at the end. There are several ways in which support for immigration manifests itself. The two common barometers which are normally used in public opinion pulling are support for currant immigration levels and perception of the contribution that immigrant makes to one`s community. This has made it possible for current immigration in Canada to become relatively stable for a bout a period of five years. Though this immigration is seen to be fully accepted in Canada, not every individual suggest it. Definitely, the Canadian immigration policy was misinterpreted whi...
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