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Confucius and Aristotle on Virtue Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

For the topic you choose:
Establish a clear thesis about your topic as part of the introductory paragraph (often the thesis is the last thing one determines after doing the basic research and outline; however it will be placed in the first paragraph of your paper).
This is a comparative essay. Comparison approached properly will require some critical thinking on your part. Use a point-by-point approach for the essay. That means, if comparing subject A with subject B, don't do the first half of the essay on subject A and then the second half on subject B--that will seem like two (2) separate essays and comparisons will tend to get lost. Instead, you should be mentioning both subjects in most of your paragraphs as you compare them throughout the essay. Comparisons will identify similarities as well as contrasts.
Do not try to do everything on your two (2) subjects. You should end up narrowing your focus to a few insights and issues about the subjects being compared. And, from those fairly specific points of comparison, you will develop a thesis and glean some lessons.
Follow closely the instructions below for your specific topic.
Include a concluding paragraph at the end. This paragraph will, in some way, refer back to the thesis established in your first paragraph, since now you have demonstrated and supported it. It may be here that you also include your observations relating your study to the modern workplace or society (see your topic). Try to finish with flair!
Use at least three (3) good quality academic sources, with one (1) source being the class text. Note: Wikipedia and other similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources. 
Confucius and Aristotle on Virtue. Write an essay comparing these two (2) ancient thinkers on the concept of virtue or good ethical character and conduct. Stay focused on the issue; keep any biographical or other information short or limited. As much as possible, analyze their writings (in translation, of course), using Confucius' Analects (at http://classics(dot)mit(dot)edu/Confucius/analects.html ) and Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics (at http://classics(dot)mit(dot)edu/Aristotle/nicomachaen.html ). Your paper should:
a) Compare the teachings of Confucius and Aristotle on what constitutes virtue or good ethical character and conduct, noting similarities and differences in specific ideas or emphasis.
b) Consider what your findings suggest about differences between ancient Chinese and ancient Greek culture.
c) From this comparison, suggest ideas of virtue that can apply to ethics in a modern setting, such as a diverse workplace.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Aristotle and Confucius
Institution of affiliation:
Aristotle and Confucius
Virtues and morality are the basic principles that guide the human system in enhancing a social and effective coexistence among the human race. Unlike the animals, the human race is characterized with high levels of intelligence a factor which makes them agents of morality and principles that guide their interactions. Different philosophers, authors and academicians have different views of the human ethics, virtues and morals. In particular, Aristotle and Confucius are philosophers of ancient times who were notably equivocal in ethics and virtue. Both of them have their own take on morality, good ethical character and conduct. I am going to cross-refer and encapsulate texts which are the Aristotle's Nichomachean ethics and the Confucius Analects (Lunyu). What do both philosophers believe in as virtuous? I will look on their takes on the Mean, moral virtue, truth ritual and how these ideologies have affected their respective society's civilizations all this time CITATION Ari00 \l 1033 (Stevenson, 2000).
To begin with, Aristotle’s belief in the Mean is moral virtue in itself, and it is a settled intermediate state of character, towards virtuous actions. In a similar way, we view the doctrine of the Mean of Confucius. To him, the Mean is spirituality in nature. It is heavenly with an "Equilibrium and Harmony" and also with "Sincerity and Intelligence". Confucius thinks that Heaven’s nature in itself is the virtue of Heaven because it is divine. Therefore the belief of the Mean is a theory of virtue as well and his thoughts are, to be virtuous, a man should become one with Heaven and Earth.
In the concept of moral virtue, Aristotle states that the soul is a background. Aristotle claims the soul to be divided into two parts: one with rational principles and the other is irrational in nature. However, Aristotle believes that "by human virtue we mean not that of the body but that of the soul…" where the soul is not at the sense of following rational knowledge, but the sense of being persuaded, refrained or tamed. Based on the division of the soul, Aristotle distinguishes virtue as intellectual virtue and moral virtue. He asserts that intellectual virtue is raised within the rational part of the soul, but does not explain where moral virtue can be acquired. Whereas Confucius' social philosophy largely reflects the concept of ren, "compassion" or "loving others." developing and practicing such concern for others involves humility. This means being sure to avoid artful speech that would create a false impression which would lead to self-exaltation. For Confucius, concern for others is shown in practicing forms of the Golden Rule: "What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others;" He regards devotion to parents and older siblings as the most basic form of promoting the interests of others before one's own.
For Aristotle, the Mean is determined by the order of the right rule. The right rule is in the part of soul with the rational principle. He divides it further into two: one is the scientific part that is used to contemplate things whose originative causes are invariable while the other is the calculative part, which is used to consider variable things. "The work of both the intellectual parts, then, is truth. Therefore the states that those in respect of which each o...
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