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A Comparative Perspective on China's Relations with Latin America and Africa

Essay Instructions:

Your writing task:

Why are so many countries in Latin America and Africa turning to China? The US is trying to warn these countries of the “dangers of China” but it seems to be having little effect. Why? Are Latin American and African countries simply being hoodwinked or is it more complicated than that?

Your goal with this writing assignment (600 words, more or less) is to answer this question: How should we understand China’s relationship with and involvement in Latin America and Africa?


Make sure your response takes the following factors into consideration:

What are Latin American and African interests in this relationship?

What are China’s interests in these relationships?

What are the points of tension in this complicated relationship between China and Latin America and Africa?

What you need to do:

Focus on the module materials, especially the videos. It is in these videos that we get to see and hear the voices of Latin American and African representatives talk about how they understand this complicated relationship with China.

Your goal is to take all this information and form an argument that helps us understand the relationship between China and Latin America/Africa.

To support your argument, I want you to discuss three key issues that shapes and influences the relationship between China and these two world regions.

Grading rubric:

25 points:

You have a clearly stated argument that is supported with course module materials.

You show awareness of the complicated nature of the relationship.

Your main points are clearly connected to module materials and supported with good analysis.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

China's Relationship with Latin America and Africa
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China's Relationship with Latin America and Africa
China and Africa's relationship was established when the modern Sino-African relations were in the late 1950s (Alden, 2017). During this period, China and several countries in Africa, such as Somalia, Sudan, Algeria, Morocco, Guinea, and Egypt, signed a bilateral trade agreement. Such relations have become increasingly significant in Africa, where more countries have signed an agreement with China in the last few years (Alden, 2017). On the other hand, the relationship between Latin America and China started between 2000 and 2009 with a similar agreement to China and Africa, known as Sino Latin trade (Zhu, 2017). The U.S government for some time has been trying to warn African and Latin countries of the dangers of China, but their effort does not seem to affect them. This is because the emergence of China as a force in Africa complicated the scrimmage between the EU and the USA over who controls Africa (Zhu, 2017). Also, China's activities in Africa have faced criticisms over its controversial business practices and its failure to promote good governance and human rights (Alden, 2017). However, most African governments appear to be satisfied with China's policy resulting in the little effect of U.S attempts to warn Africa.
Typically, Latin America, Africa as well as China have their interests in the relationship. China is interested in the relationship with African countries because of Africa's natural resources and export market (Zhu, 2017). In the last few decades, China's expanding middle class and rapidly growing economy have fueled an unprecedented demand for resources (Alden, 2017). Therefore, the powerhouse decided to focus on lo...
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