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US History: American Foreign Policy during the Cold War

Essay Instructions:

US History: American Foreign Policy during the Cold War

Required Resources:

• Textbook: Sections 28.2, 29.1, 30.3, 31.3 (hyperlink will be on the uploaded copy)

o https://cnx(dot)org/contents/p7ovuIkl@6.18:gMXC1GEM@7/Introduction

• Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)

Pick three (3) of the following American Foreign policies: (I left the choice up to writer to ease the project- I have no preferences)

• Marshall Plan

• Berlin Airlift

• Containment

• Anti-Communist Freedom Fighters

• Vietnam (conflict) War

• Détente'


• Camp David Accords

• Strategic Defense Initiative (nicknamed "Star Wars")

Then, address the following for your selections:

• Explain how each of your choices was an effective policy to thwart international communist expansion.

• Based on your selections, analyze if the United States should have feared international communist subversion during the Cold War era (1945-1991).

Writing Requirements:

• APA format for in-text citations and list of references

Essay Sample Content Preview:

American Foreign Policy During the Cold War
Institution Affiliation
Marshall Plan
The Marshall Plan was a U.S. scheme to lead Western Europe after the damage of World War II and was named the European Recovery Program. It was approved in 1948 and provided over 15 billion dollars to aid money to alter landmass efforts. U.S. Secretary of State George C. Marshall’s brainchild was designated as a four-year initiative to rehabilitate urban communities, firms, and environments that the war has seriously harmed, cut obstacles to trade among European neighbors and promote trade between those nations, the United States. Despite monetary restructuring, one of the Marshall Plan’s declared objectives was to prohibit socialism from spreading over the European masses (Hogan & Hogan, 1987). Thus, the Marshall Plan was referred to as the beginning of the Cold War, which had taken on the responsibility of central and eastern Europe between the U.S, its European allies, and the Soviet Union, and created its satellite republics as socialist nations.
Anti-Communist Freedom Fighters
 President Reagan wanted to assert U.S. power on Earth via a worldwide policy. He challenged the U.S. as an “abhorrent realm” and endorsed America’s largest military buildup. In Afghanistan, Angola, Nicaragua, and others, the Reagan organization sponsored enemies of socialist “political dissidents” for the broader societal effect of the event. No matter what firm stand Reagan takes against socialism, ties between the USA and the Soviet countries are thawed throughout his following term. The primary ever nuclear reduction settlement in 1987 was marked by Reagan and Soviet pioneer Mikhail Gorbachev (Abramovici, 2014). The Cold War was coming to an end before Reagan’s second term. President Reagan’s second term was upset by the Iran-Contra endeavor, which covertly sold Iran arms to Iran by the Reagan administration and utilized revenue from the contract to back Contras secretly.
The United States promised in 1947 that it would assist any nation opposed to socialism in preventing its spread. The Truman Doctrine is characterized as his approach to regulation. The Truman doctrine has shown that the U.S. will not revisit non-interference after the Second International War but will instead perform in world affairs. The United States has given Europe $13 billion under Marshall’s plan to aid change since the war.
The Truman Doctrine
After World WarII, the world has changed, and many countries have experienced political turmoil. With the help of George Kennan’s Long Telegram, the U.S. administration was effectively wary of socialism when several countries in Europe and Asia accepted socialist governments in the latter half of 1940. At that moment, the United Kingdom told the USA that it could not fight a socialist rebellion in Greece and Turkey (Lake, 1993). President Harry S. Truman warned that the United States could do everything necessary, both financially and militantly, to curb the spread of socialism worldwide.
Explain how each of your choices was an effective policy to thwart international communist expansion.
The Cold War: Containment
After the Second World War, most American authorities agreed that a strategy dubbed “regulation” was the greatest protection against Soviet dangers. Ambassador George Kennan (1904-2005) detailed the arrangement in his celebrated “Long Telegram.” “The Soviet Union,” he said, was “fanatical political power that believed that there could be no permanent modus vivendi with the U.S.” Thus, America’s proper option was to “regulate Russia’s wide propensities on long-haul, patient, but firm and careful.” “It should be the policy of the United States to aid the organizations of free people that are opposed to tentative subjugation... by foreign powers,” he said before Congress in 1947. This worldview would dominate U.S. foreign policy for the next 40 years.
Cold War: the Marshall Plan
The real monetary benefit of the Marshall Plan was widely discussed over a period of time since its implementation. Therefore, the findings suggest that Western Europe was well on its way to recovery when the arrangement generated benefits. In addition, despite the vast investment in the U.S., the subsidies granted under the Marshall Plan accounted for less than three percent of the nation’s combined public wages. In these countries, the structure was therefore typically unassuming to grow GDP throughout the four years. When, of the year 1952, financial development in countries with received reserves exceeded the pre-war levels, all this was taken into account, which was a firm indicator of the beneficial program impact.
Political Le...
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