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Comparative Essay: Ramses II & Constentine

Essay Instructions:
Choose one (1) of the topics from the list of topic choices below. Read the topic carefully. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper (750-1,000 words) that follows instructions and covers each part of the topic. (The title page and References list do not get included in this word count). Note: Your instructor may require you to submit your topic choice for approval before the end of Week 5. For the topic you choose: Establish a clear thesis about your topic as part of the introductory paragraph (often the thesis is the last thing one determines after doing the basic research and outline; however it will be placed in the first paragraph of your paper). This is a comparative essay. Comparison approached properly will require some critical thinking on your part. Use a point-by-point approach for the essay. That means, if comparing subject A with subject B, don't do the first half of the essay on subject A and then the second half on subject B--that will seem like two (2) separate essays and comparisons will tend to get lost. Instead, you should be mentioning both subjects in most of your paragraphs as you compare them throughout the essay. Comparisons will identify similarities as well as contrasts. Do not try to do everything on your two (2) subjects. You should end up narrowing your focus to a few insights and issues about the subjects being compared. And, from those fairly specific points of comparison, you will develop a thesis and glean some lessons. Follow closely the instructions below for your specific topic. Include a concluding paragraph at the end. This paragraph will, in some way, refer back to the thesis established in your first paragraph, since now you have demonstrated and supported it. It may be here that you also include your observations relating your study to the modern workplace or society (see your topic). Try to finish with flair! Use at least three (3) good quality academic sources, with one (1) source being the class text. Note: Wikipedia and other similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources. You are highly encouraged to use the Resource Center tab at the top of your Blackboard page. Comparing Ancient Male Rulers. Take any two (2) of these rulers and write an essay comparing them: Ramses II, Shihuangdi, Constantine, Ashoka, Pericles, or Charlemagne. Select rulers from different cultures. You may also propose (for approval or not) a ruler not listed. Avoid lengthy quoting or lengthy close paraphrasing from biographical sources. Make it YOUR comparative analysis. Your paper should: a) Compare the two (2) rulers in terms of their situation and methods of rule and their apparent ideals and practices, noting similarities and differences. Use specific examples. b) Consider what your study suggests about the cultures over which they ruled, identifying any similarities and differences between the cultures. c) From this comparison, suggest lessons about different types of effective leadership in the world of modern business and / or modern politics. NOTE: MY selection is (Ramses II & Constantine for this Comparative Essay. Thank you.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
A Comparative essay on Ramses II and Constantine Name: Institution of Affiliation: Date: A Comparative Essay on Ramses II and Constantine Ramses II and Constantine were both great leaders during their times and each had exerted true power which then manipulated the courses of history. How did these leaders influence religion and culture during their times? This comparative essay is going to focus on their roles as military chiefs, propagandists, religious figures and also economic practitioners. A lot of people have acknowledged that Ramses II was a great military commander. He is one of the pharaohs who conquered many nations, forged many peace treaties and led one of the longest peaceful reigns in Egyptian history. History has it that he is the one involved in the Exodus story in the Bible. Ramses' campaigns were to restore the land that had been previously lost back to Egypt. By forming peace treaties with these empires after going to war with them, Ramses II helped to make solid Egyptian borders from all corners, increasing internal stability. Constantine is also acknowledged to have conquered Maxentius, the Eastern Rome emperor in a single day and also conquered Licinius' empire of the Greek pagans curbing the rampant persecutions that had tormented Christians and other religions. Even though both leaders had lead cavalries and soldiers less than their opponents, Ramses II once found himself in a situation of retreat, in contrast to Constantine overpowering his enemies with fewer troops. Both these leaders were laden with bizarre propaganda. Ramses II used art as propaganda where he inscribed his name in most monuments and upper walls in the sake of immortalizing his legacy. He won people's hearts through a great ubiquitous building escapade that made him the most successful pharaoh in his 67 years of reign. It is said that he used to lead his subjects to sacrifices as the chief priest and personally offered sacrifices while acting a mediator between the gods. In his 30th year of rule, Ramses II declared himself a god hence ensuring a longer lasting royalty. Constantine used religion for political gain. After his conversion to Christianity, he mediated between the pagans and Christians and even is said to have shifted the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday to honor the pagan god, The Sun. Constantine used religion to exercise power where he also gave funding to the church as a form of gratitude for their God (Bauer, 2007). Ramses II chose his heir while alive in order to ensure heredity. During his rule, he chose his son as successor and commander in chief of Egyptian armies. Due to him being worshiped as a god, nobody would try...
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