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Closing and the opening of Japan

Essay Instructions:
I will attach 2 sources you need to use Here are some guidelines Write a two-page essay summarizing and comparing any two of our primary source documents. Your essay should be analytical; that is, it should include not only a brief summary of each source¡¦s main points or arguments, but also a comparison that tells the reader something about the times, or the authors¡¦ purposes and rhetorical strategies, or problems they faced and how they were approaching them, and so on. It is not necessary to go through each and every part of a source in detail; feel free to provide a very brief overview and then focus on particular parts or aspects that make for interesting comparison. Your essay should: --have a title, preferably one that points to the main issue(s) or foreshadows your conclusion(s). Examples: ¡§The Changing Meanings of ¡¥Civilization¡¦ in Nineteenth-century East Asia,¡¨ ¡§Nationalism and Imperialism in Prewar Japan,¡¨ ¡§Korean Women¡¦s Struggles for Equality.¡¨ --contain an introduction that identifies your sources and states or foreshadows your thesis (argument). Examples of thesis statements: ¡§Hideyoshi¡¦s letter to a Portuguese viceroy and the Qianlong emperor¡¦s edicts to George III demonstrate that before 1800 East Asian rulers had little regard for Europeans.¡¨ ¡§Although Japan¡¦s political system was becoming more democratic by the 1920s, ruling elites were still bent on controlling the thoughts and actions of common people.¡¨ --clearly indicate the author (if known) and title of each source, and briefly note what kind of document it is (e.g., the script for a puppet show about a famous incident in Tokugawa Japan, proclamations by the Taiping rebels in nineteenth-century China, a Korean reformer¡¦s essay on the meaning of civilization). Assume that the reader has never heard of them. --have a main body containing your summaries and analyses. --quote or otherwise draw on specific passages, citing page numbers in parentheses. The essay should not be a string of quotations (that would reduce their effect), but a few key (and short) quotations can be very effective in driving your points home. --have a brief conclusion. This can be a short paragraph (two or three sentences) summarizing or otherwise closing your argument.
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Tokugawa issued a number of edicts between 1633 and 1639 which then effectively locked out Japan from the rest of the global economy and political sphere. The fear of Christianity pushed the resolve further and there was a widely publicized campaign to eradicate Christians and Christianity. Even though Christianity was one of the main reasons that led to the edict it is said the greed that bakufu had played an important role in the closure of the country to the rest of the world. The passion to monopolize the trade routes was the main driving factor as per some sources and the whole temptation to bring the whole of Nagasaki under control is still vied as the main driving factor to the establishment of a closed political environment that aimed that organized profiteering from the jurisdiction of the ruler.
In the Closed Country Edict of 1675 there was a sort of curfew imposed on the country`s inhabitants and among them was a rule that strictly forbid any ships that were foreign bound to leave the country. Another one of the curfew was that the citizens themselves were directed to stay into their home country lest they face very serious consequences such as execution and the ships involved in the attempts would be impounded as well as the owner arrested. The matter would then be reported to the higher authorities as a follow up measure th...
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