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Civil Rights Movement in the United States

Essay Instructions:

Unit 6: First Amendment, Conspiracy Theories, and Civil Rights


Crew, again our Unit was filled with a wide range of fascinating information. Like we have done in the past units, below you will find a couple options for your discussion board question. You only need to select ONE of the questions below and provide your initial post. Make certain that in the subject line of your post that you identify the question that you have selected. The topic is provided above the specific question. Have fun!

First Amendment: During the 1950s, what social problems were blamed on or associated with Rock ‘n Roll? Has this connection between Rock 'n Rock and social problems changed in today's society? In 1986, Ozzy Osborne faced a lawsuit because of a connection between his lyrics and a teen’s suicide. Should artists be held responsible for actions taken by their fans or other audience members in reaction to their art? Why, or why not?

Conspiracy Theory: One of the greatest conspiracy theories in American history is the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. In your opinion, was the finding of the Warren Commission (headed by Chief Justice Earl Warren) correct in their findings that Lee Oswald acted alone? Defend your opinion. Crew, for this question, you might have to go beyond the textbook.

Civil Rights Movement: Our textbook addresses the Montgomery Bus Boycott, Brown vs. the Board of Education, Sit-ins, Little Rock Nine, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, LULAC, and Freedom Rides…just to name some events of the Civil Rights Movement. After studying Chapter 28, what one event would you consider the key event of the Civil Rights Movement? Why?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Civil Rights Movement in the United States
During the earlier years, racism in the United States was like a brick was mainly made of hatred, fear, and ignorance. From 1954 to 1964, that wall started to come down, little by little, brick by brick. During this decade, the civil rights movement saw a racist and unjust society begin to make real progress. It took the courage of brilliant black leaders. It took court cases and federal action. In addition, it took nonviolent resistance and tragically, it took the blood of innocent people, killed for seeking freedom and equality. Civil Rights Movement was marked by a number of events which included Montgomery Bus Boycott, Brown vs. the Board of Education, Sit-ins, Little Rock Nine, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, LULAC, and Freedom Rides just to name some these events (Johnson, 2007). Some of these events played more important roles than others during the Civil Rights Movement.
From the mentioned events, the most important event was the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The March on Wash...
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