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History Essay: Arts in Asia

Essay Instructions:

This is not a specific essay paper. There are four different essay questions need to be written. Just answer the essay questions they given.

1. Write a detailed summary on the kinds of objects that were found in tombs. What kinds of objects, and materials were used? What were they used for? How did objects differ in later periods? How did Chinese, Korean and Japanese object differ stylistically from each other and which describe the route of transmission ? Give examples of each category of objects. What is the Tao T'ieh? 25pts

2. Name the 4 Buddhist Cave sites - what kinds of objects and subjects were found in each cave? How did they differ? Who were they made for? Name the various supernatural beings in Buddhism and Taoism. Paintings and sculptures were made for different reasons. What were the various functions of the paintings and sculptures? What are the Jakata Tales? 15pt

3. Write a detailed narrative of the development of painting. How was Chinese paintings grouped- what subjects were used and what did they illustrate? How did landscape painting evolve? How did Painting in the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties differ? What is the difference between Northern Song and Southern Song painting? Who developed this theory? Who were the most important painters of each period? Who were the 4 Great Masters? Korea and Japan borrowed from Chinese conventions and then developed their own forms. What were these forms? Give examples! 30pts

4. How did the political and economic situation in China, Korea and Japan influence the art that was made? 5pts

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Arts in Asia
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1. Write a detailed summary on the kinds of objects that were found in tombs. What kinds of objects, and materials were used? What were they used for? How did objects differ in later periods? How did Chinese, Korean and Japanese object differ stylistically from each other and which describe the route of transmission ? Give examples of each category of objects. What is the Tao T'ieh? 25pts
Chinese culture has had a major impact on the arts and crafts of other East Asian countries such as Korea and Japan, although Japanese artists and craftsmen have also achieved art independently, In China, the art developed and changed depending on the times and the emperor in power. During the Tang dynasty, there were tomb guardians. The Terracotta army made out of yellow clay remains one of the biggest Chinese artifacts. Different objects were made in gold and silver. Chinese was more elaborate and included the Chinese tomb pottery. The pottery items are mostly male figure, but there are also pottery court ladies and they were made in clay. The ceramics were made of porcelain, celadon, and stoneware, then clay pots were adopted and in the latter periods Chinese artist made use of diverse material such as bronze sculpture There were ceramics, decorations used in bronze, jade and lacquer engravings.
Koreans adopted the art of Buddhist sculpture and the spread to the Japanese. Koreans tended to have various luxury objects in their early tombs such as the tombs made during the Silla Kingdom where there are gold objects like gold crowns and jewelry for the elite rules. There were mounded tombs and this idea was imported from China and this also spread to Japan. Contact through trade and interactions influenced the transmission of art culture.
Japan was influenced by both China and Korea as the elite began traveling there. Like in China and Korean tomb objects reflected the political, cultural and social conditions that existed.
Tao T'ieh is part of Shang and Zhou era art and mainly dragon faces that can also appear on objects such as the ritual bronze vessels. It is also represented as a supernatural creature with various animal parts and highlighted its significance to various rulers
2. Name the 4 Buddhist Cave sites - what kinds of objects and subjects were found in each cave? How did they differ? Who were they made for? Name the various supernatural beings in Buddhism and Taoism. Paintings and sculptures were made for different reasons. What were the various functions of the paintings and sculptures? What are the Jakata Tales?
The Magao Cave Temples of Dunhuang in China have one the largest repositories of art objects, paintings and manuscripts. There are large sculptures of Buddha and murals, but the objects are inspired for diverse cultures as tithe area was influenced by trades along the Silk Road. The Kizil Caves in Xinjiang, China also shows the fusion of various cultures. The wall paintings are frescoes representing religious motifs and there are statue of Buddha and there are numerous rock-cut caves.
Buddhism does not place much importance on supernatural power, but Devā and Māra are important figures, Māra is a supernatural being and god of death who influences attack on Gautama Budha. Devā is a god and is one of the gods, while Māra represents unpleasant impulses, the death of spiritual life as he tried to convince Buddha to end his quest for enlightenment.
Taoism is a polytheistic religion where there is belief that people can live forever and if they become earnest can also become supernatural beings. The Taoist deities are Yu-huang (Jade Emperor), Yuan-shih T'ien-tsun (First Principal) and San-ch'ing (Three Pure Ones) (/ Chebucto Community Net, n.d.).
Buddhist paintings represent various religious motifs and people, but sculptures mostly depicted the Buddha, bodhisattvas. Paintings are decorative, but sculptures can also be functional The Jakata Tales traditional Buddhist tales that talk about the Buddha along his path to enlightenment. In most of these stories, the Buddha has taken the form of an animal. The stories mostly focus on six universal ethical values ​​which: compassion, interdependence, generosity, impermanence, wisdom and love.3. Write a detailed narrative of the development of painting. How was Chinese paintings grouped- what subjects were used and what did they illustrate? How did landscape painting evolve? How did Painting...
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