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History Essay: Difference between a democracy and a republic

Essay Instructions:

What is the difference between a democracy and a republic? Which principle does contemporary American Government reflect, or does it reflect both? If you were the founder, which of these principles would you emphasize (and why)?

Choose one of the thirteen original states. Now, write a speech to be presented before its ratifying convention arguing for or against the new constitution.

Compare and contrast 2 presidential campaigns from the past (John Adams to present) – example Adams V. Jefferson and TR V. Taft V. Wilson or George H. W. Bush V. Mike Dukakis and Thomas Jefferson V. Arron Burr.

What is the issue with the 13th Amendment and slavery? Explore the ramifications of the loophole that has led African Americans being jailed at higher rates than anyone else.

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American Government
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Difference between a democracy and a republic
The main difference between democracy and a republic is that democracy is an ideology that helps design how a government runs, while a republic is a form of government. Population holds power in a democracy as opposed to a republic, where individual citizens hold power (LaRosa, 2012). The contemporary American government reflects both a republic and a democracy. Often, a republic is a form of government that permits a country to be democratically ruled. The country has often gone on elections where people choose representatives from the position of a president and other representatives, hence democracy. However, the representatives have the power to make and amend laws like in a republic. If I were the founder, I would emphasize a mixed form of governance. Pure democracy cannot work because the population is vast, and there is a need for a central position of power that issues define orders.
Georgia State Ratification Speech
From the Great State of Georgia to everybody, Greeting,
A constitution is the country's driving wheel. It defines every operation that a country should undertake. However, the Constitution is written by men, and reviewing it is normal. The world is dynamic, and we should always change our laws to fit contemporary society.
The humble decision by deputies in Philadelphia to amend the Constitution was wise. It is prudent to share power among the different government branches to enhance democracy and equity in representation and decision making. Slavery, trade, taxes, foreign affairs, and even the procedure to elect a president are issues that continue to bring division in our country. We need to change them for us to lead the united way as our great name, United States, state.
By virtue and power vested to us by people of Georgia and the U.S., and on our behalf and that our constituents, we entirely and wholly consent to, ratify and adopt the said Constitution
Delegate for the State o...
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