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Aristotle’s Literary Legacy from Ancient Times to Present

Essay Instructions:

As you learned in the section about Greek plays, we owe a remarkable debt to the Greeks for their legacy in theater. Aristotle captured some of these concepts in his works on the structure of plays in the Poetica. His legacy is still the foundation of literature that students learn in the ninth grade about stories: plot, character; theme, and beyond.
What does this tell us about the long legacy of Greek thought from ancient times to the present?
The concepts of Aristotle about stories, as outlined in his Poetica, are still the foundation of literary analysis. The Presspage website article, Lessons from Ancient Greece - Aristotle on Storytelling, describes how a good news reporter makes use of Aristotle’s concepts if he wants his reader to be engaged in what s/he writes. The basic concepts of plot, character, scene, and tone that we learned in the 9th grade are all straight from Aristotle.
View the following 7-minute YouTube to see how even modern stories like that of Star Wars make effective use of Aristotle’s concepts (a narrative transcript is available).
The Tragic Hero from Aristotle's Poetics - The Fall of Anakin Skywalker (6:28)
For this assignment, think about how identity, including attributes such as gender, race, class and culture might play a role in a story’s plot, character development, and theme.
Then, make up a short story using one or more identity elements as a key part of the plot, character and theme. You can base your story on one that is well-known if you like.
Offer a paragraph or two about how the concepts of Aristotle contribute to your being able to create your story.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Aristotle’s Literary Legacy
Aristotle’s Literary Legacy
For this assignment, think about how identity, including attributes such as gender, race, class, and culture might play a role in a story’s plot, character development, and theme.” The identity of the character is what drives him to his or her choices which affect the storyline. The character’s background ultimately converges in his decisions and gives him the motivation for his actions. The character is molded by his culture, history, and involvement, and through these, he is put on a unique path that eventually unfolds and gives him his own distinctive destiny. The theme can only be interpreted through the hero’s victories and defeats, and plot and character development culminate all the protagonist’s experiences.
The Magic-less Hero of the Magical Kingdom
Long ago, there was once a kingdom where everybody could use magic. The people of this land made their homes, tilled their farms, and made their goods through magic and sorcery, making their kingdom one of the most powerful amongst their land. Everyone, big or small, could use magic to make their life easier, and their source of power came from the magic tree at the center of their kingdom. This tree had its roots go deep within the earth and siphoned its energy from the magma beneath the land. Above the ground, the tree towered to the sky, making it a grand monument in the kingdom, and at its base was the castle where the magical king resided. The magical king was the kingdom’s protector. He had the most powerful magic of all. The king had a wife, and they gave birth to twin boys. One inherited the king’s powerful magic, but the other boy had no magic at all. The two princes grew up together. The one with magic grew up with praise and admiration of all the kingdom’s citizens, while the other boy was ridiculed and discriminated against by the people. But, even if they were different, the two brothers loved and supported each other. The two princes were determined to protect their kingdom in their little ways.
The magical prince honed his powers through the guidance of the best of the sorcerers in the kingdom. The other prince trained hard to make his body strong, and he trained his mind through meditation, and even if he did not have magic, he developed his speed, senses, and willpower. Because he was always ridiculed, he made a vow never to give up and persevere through challenges even if he did not have magical power. One day, t...
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