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Analysis of an Interesting Chinese Artifact

Essay Instructions:


The first part of your field report should consist of a presentation of your “theoretical framework,” the working narrative that you have created that describes the society and/or individuals that created this artifact and why. (See instructions on your group web page for specific prompts regarding the information that should be included in this report.) When describing your theoretical framework, you should include the evidence that supports your narrative and provide an indication of how certain you are that your framework is accurate. You do not have to be 100% positive about every assumption that you make. In fact, you shouldn’t be. That’s where the second part of your report comes in.

The second part of your field report is an appeal for the necessity of further research into the artifact, the context in which it was discovered, or both. This does not need to be written in the form of a formal grant request.* The purpose of this appeal is to lay the foundation for a formal request that this fictional version of yourself would be writing later on. (Don’t worry, you won’t actually be writing a grant request.) Your intent is to pique the interest of the head of your department by highlighting the historical significance of this object. You will then describe three techniques or methodologies (no more, no less) that will maximize our collective knowledge of this artifact and provide you with the evidence to prove or disprove your theoretical framework.

Project Requirements:

• Field reports should be within 10% of 1,000 words (appx. 4 pages), double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font.

• Two parts of report do not need to be divided, but should be given roughly equal length/ attention.

• As this is intended to be an official report addressed to the head of your department (ie: your boss,) the style should be formal.

• Run spelling and grammar check.

• Evidence should be provided for all statements explaining your theoretical framework.

-All of this evidence can be gathered from the information on your artifact page, your e-book, primary sources provided on iCollege, or the videos. No citation is needed if these are the sources that you use.

-If you do use information from sources that were not used in class, they must be cited!

• Your discussion of the three techniques or methodologies that should be applied to study your artifact should include a justification of these would be the most effective in gaining new information.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Midterm Project
Course Code:
In our recent excavation in a grave inside a courtyard of one of the many palace structures of the ancient city of Erlitou, currently, Yanshi City, Western Henan, China, archaeologists found very interesting artifacts. These artifacts look like a bronze bell and a series of 2000 turquoise and jade pieces laid out in the shape of a dragon as you can see from the image below. The dragon figure was discovered on top of the occupant of the grave who was a male roughly between 30 and 35 years old. The bell was near the individual’s hand.
Upon discovery of these artifacts, there was an active conclusion made that the artifacts are dated during the mid to late Bronze Age. This conclusion was arrived at unanimously because of the other contents within the gravesite which included vessels made of bronze, jade, ceramic, and lacquer, and well as several cowry shells were also believed to be of the same period. Due to the value associated with these objects, they suggest that this man was among the royal elite among the Erlitou people. Additionally, they can be spiritually associated to Chinese beliefs.
Erlitou people lived in this region during the early Bronze Age era between 1900BC and 1600BC. Around 1920BC, there was a heavy flood that destroyed the upper part of the Yellow River. This destruction is led to the rise of the Erlitou culture in the middle part of the Yellow River. The culture was widely spread throughout Henan and Shanxi and later appeared in Shaanxi and Hubei.
In the early years, the people of this culture grew rapidly in size to several thousand and became urbanized. As time went by, they continued growing in number and the city’s palaces increased. Most people living in this ancient city are believed to have been bronze smiths. The smiths were mainly involved in the construction of artifacts such as bells, bronze daggers, and other metallic tools. Additionally, there were skilled laborers who used rammed earth to construct the palatial homes of the very elite living in the Erlitou urban area. The Chinese believe that the Erlitou culture was ruled by the Xia Dynasty, although, this statement needs more evidence to support it. The Erlitou culture ended as a result of abandonment since there is no record so far of destruction by war or fire.
The main purpose of the artifact is unclear, but based on the minerals used to make it and since the artifact is found on top of a dead man’s body, it is most likely, spiritually related. The artifact is mainly composed of turquoise and jade mineral stones. Turquoise is a sea green stone associated with ancient China. The stone is believed to represents wisdom, tranquility, protection, good fortune, and hope. Ancient people be...
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