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Bosnian War: Groups Involved and Interceding Forces of the Genocide

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Bosnian Genocide
Bosnian Genocide
Background information
The war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, famously known as the Bosnian Genocide, took place between 1992 to 1995 and claimed over 100,000 lives, with most of the victims being the Bosniak Muslims. Although the war is referred to as a genocide, it was later discovered that it was more of an ethnic cleansing perpetrated by the Serb leaders who bolted out of the Bosnian government a few days after declaring its independence. History has it that two days after Bosnia declared three ethnic groups predominantly occupied its independence from the larger Yugoslavia territory, its population was approximately 4 million; Bosniak, 44%, Serbs, 31%, and the Croats, 17% (Lammertink, 2018). The Serb leaders in the new Bosnia government were not comfortable as they wanted to dominate the Bosniak community. Therefore, they bolted out of the government, formed their national assembly, and even prevented the referendum from taking place in some territories. The leaders then took advantage of their military dominance and attacked Bosniak and Croats territories, causing much havoc in the country.
Groups Involved
The major groups involved in the Bosnian genocide of 1992-1993 were three splinter groups that formed the larger parts of Bosnia. They included the Bosniaks, who were predominantly Muslims and made up the largest share of the population. Bosniaks were also the ones who suffered the most from the genocide as most of them were killed, injured and raped. The other sect of group that was involved in the genocide were the Bosnia Serbs who were the main perpetrators of the war. The Bosnia Serbs dominated the Yugoslav army and that served to their advantage as they had control over the machineries to displace the Bosniaks and the Croats. The Bosnia Croats were the third group that was involved in the war. The Croats in most cases during the war teamed up with the Bosniaks to defend themselves from the Serb force.
What Happened
Upon bolting out of the Bosnian governments and establishing a parallel government, Serb forces with the Yugoslav army's backing, which the Serbs also dominated, began by bombarding Sarajevo, Bosnia's capital. The Serb troops then took their war to towns to areas such as Zvronik, Foca, and Visegrad, which were widely occupied by Bosniaks, forcing them out of these areas in a brutal manner. Bosnian and Croatian armies tried to retaliate by defending some of the territories. Still, little could be done as the Se...
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