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American Revolution: Who Were Some Of The Major Tribes?

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How were the Indians treated from the time of colonization through the American Revolution? Who were some of the major tribes? Where were some of the areas they operated? What groups were associated with certain European powers?

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American Revolution
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American Revolution
From the time of colonization to the American revolution, the Indians were subjected to diverse forms of treatments from the colonizers. The British did not treat the Indian colonies in a consistent manner. During colonization, Indians had been allocated land by the British government as a way of protecting the Royal Proclamation of 1763. This was a means of preventing the expansion of the colonialists to the Appalachian thus alienating most American Colonists. Afterwards, most Indian tribes were chased away from their lands and when they revolted, they were defeated by various expeditions from Georgia, Virginia and the Carolinas. A system of neglect against the Indians led to the Indian and French War (or Seven Years’s War), with Britain taking a huge interest in implementing a direct rule on all the colonies. This became a direct form of major policy shifts, which was used by the imperial government and taxation policy thus resulting to the eventual revolution.
A number of Native Americans participated in the American War for Independence from the British, although a majority sided with the Britons. Some of the major tribes of the Native Americans included the Mohawks, Cayugas, Seneca, Onondagas, Tusacaroras, the Cherokee and Oneidas. These tribes fought to protect their native lands from being encroached by Americans. The Cherokee warriors had been frustrated by the endless land losses. They eventually defied the orders from their older chiefs resolved to attach the American settlement. Joseph Brant from the Mohawk tribe operated to unite the other Native American tribes. He worked as a British translator and later collaborated with the births army during the war.
During the start of the war, the two warring sides had asked the Native Americans to be nonparticipants. However, this changed in 1776 during the Iroquois Confederacy. Brant was successful in convincing four out of the six tribes to side the British. However, two of the tribes, the Tusacaroras ad Oneidas sided the Americans. This saw the dissolution of the Confederacy that had united the six tribes. While these tribes sided to fight with the British, they largely failed and were defeated by the Carolina, Virginia and Georgia expeditions. Finally, in 1783, the Britsh resolved to hand over the territories to the new United States. The United States went on to expand its territories to acquire the Indian lands.
Certain groups of Native Americans decided to support the Americans, while a...
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