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AHI101 Writing Assignment Composing A Formal Analysis Art History

Essay Instructions:

AHI101—Survey, Prehistory to Renaissance
Choose an object that captures your attention, and try to articulate what it is about this object that speaks to you. • What artistic movements or periods does your object coincide with? What stylistic properties does it contain to indicate when this piece was made?• If the object you have chosen to write about is a functional object—such as a piece of pottery meant to contain something, or an object used for a religious ritual, speak about its mode of use, and what this use communicates about the cultural context of this piece.• If the artist is known for your object, state the artists’ name, but do not focus too much on the biography of the artist—this exercise is to get you to think about the object and its formal properties, not to contemplate the life of the artist who made it.  • Is there a specific narrative to the piece? If so, describe what you think the artist or maker aims to communicate.• What materials have been used to make this piece? How have those materials been treated by the artist? Is there a texture to the surface of the stone, for example? How do you think this texture has been achieved and what does is communicate? Is there a certain kind of gesture visible in the brushstrokes of a painting?• Describe the composition and use of color (if any) in the painting or drawing. What is the focal point of the composition? What kinds of lines and shapes make up the composition? What do the choice of colors express? How do the colors interact with one another?• If the piece you have chosen to write about gives an illusionistic representation of space on a canvas or other surface, talk about the sense of proportion in how the objects have been represented in relation to space and in relation to one another. Are they true to life or are their features exaggerated in any way? 
This paper is expected to be 3-5 pages in 12-point Times New Roman front, double-spaced. You must include a reproduction of your object of study at the end of the paper. Do not embed the image into the text of your paper to lengthen your paper length. In other words, I will not accept a 2.5 page paper with an image taking up half a page. You must also include a selfie of yourself with the object to demonstrate that you visited a museum and that you are writing from first-hand observations. 
If you need assistance writing your paper, I recommend your visiting the Center for Excellence in Writing at UB. The writing tutors at the Center can give you feedback on your writing and help you with many different kinds of writing assignments. It’s a resource that can be beneficial for students at all different levels. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Art History
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Course Title:
Art History
During my visit to the museum, I was able to view a wide array of artworks ranging from paintings to ancient potteries. The chosen object that captured my attention is a painting by a Realist painter. This paper describes the artistic period that the chosen object coincides with. The artist of the object is described concisely. In addition, the paper discusses the composition and use of colour in the painting.
The selected object is the painting titled A Burial At Ornans by the French artist Gustave Courbet (1849-1850). The painting medium is oil on canvas. It is quite a large painting as it measures 124 inches x 260 inches, or 315 centimetres x 660 centimetres. The painting is from the Realism Period. This was the period from 1848 AD to 1900 AD. Realism started as a rejection of the subjectivism and imagination of Romanticism. The focus of the artists was chiefly on accurate observation of the everyday world. Herman (2013) pointed out that Realist painters replaced the literary conceits and idealistic images of conventional art with actual real-life events. Artists during this epoch were typified by painting ordinary people in everyday situations. They were also daring and bold by painting explicit subjects such as prostitutes. Furthermore, paintings of this era were usually en plein air, meaning that they were primarily painted whilst outdoors (Parks, 2012). The choice of Realist painters of bringing the ordinary life into their canvases manifested the avant-garde desire of merging life and art.
The painting Burial at Ornans (1849-1850) is depicting the burial of one of the uncles of Gustave Courbet in the town of Ornans. It portrays the scene with unflattering air and unlike the traditional Romantic paintings of the time, it does not romanticize the depictions of mourning and grief. The painting was aimed at capturing the mundane and diverse facets of rural life at a specific occasion in a specific city: the occasion being a funeral and the city being Ornans (Malafronte, 2014). Gustave Courbet was a painter from France. He is widely recognized as the artist who led the Realist movement during the nineteenth century. This painter was born in Ornans, which is a small town located in the region of Franche-Comte in eastern France (Krebber, 2012).
The stylistic properties contained in the painting which indicate that the piece was made during the Realist Movement is that it is depicting real people who are in attendance at the funeral of a real or common person. The painting is a representation of a peasant funeral. It contains in excess of forty life-size figures who were actually present at the burial: the subjects in the painting are not actors who were utilized as models for the art. It significantly departs from the more idealized, controlled images of the Romantic and Neoclassic eras given that it is portraying the emotions and life of humble peasants, not of aristocratic personages, and it actually does so with a realistic urgency (Malafronte, 2014). Critics of this painting criticized the size and style of the piece. At 22 feet wide and 10 feet tall, the canvas’ size was characteristically used only for heroic or religious scenes (Malafronte, 2014).
In a distinctly non-classical composition, subjects depicted in the painting are milling about in the darkness, not focused on the ceremony. As a major case in point of Realism, the painter focused on the facts of an actual burial and avoided amplifi...
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