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1871 Chinese Massacre, Mexican-American War, History of LA, and California-Mexican Heritage

Essay Instructions:

The Chinese massacre of 1871
Where did this masacre occur and why did it occur?
Based on the video, do you see an economic connection to racism?
The Mexican-American War
What caused the war?
What was the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo?
What was the outcome of the war?
A History of Los Angeles
When was Los Angeles established and by whom?
Why was LA important to the growth of U.S. capitalism?
A History of California and Mexican Heritage
Share 2 points of reflection about the video: A History of California and Mexican Heritage.
What did you learn that was interesting to you?
Crisis & Compromise
What was The Compromise of 1850?
See the videos Crisis & Compromise and The Mexican-American War
What connection do you see between the outcome of the Mexican-American War and the Compromise of 1850?
Additional material assigned to answer questions along with Chapter 5

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Ethnic Studies
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Ethnic Studies
The Chinese massacre of 1871
When and Where it Occurred
The video indicates that by 1880, the population of Chinese has grown to about 100,000 people in California. It explains that the hardworking attitude of this group enabled it to gradually take over jobs even when receiving a significantly lower compensation than the dominant whites. As a result, this aspect stirred nervousness and anti-Chinese attitudes from the locals, increasing hostilities against the Chinese workers in Old Chinatown. Eventually, these ongoing conflicts triggered an attack from the local populations against the Chinese in 1871, leading to the death of a significant proportion of Chinese workers in California. The event is known as the Chinese massacre of 1871.  
Economic Connection to Racism
Further information from the video demonstrates the rise of systemic racism connected to economic issues in California. For instance, the narrator indicates that the white people became jealous of the handwork reputation associated with the Chinese that favored them for job selection. As this economic recession rose, people blamed all the woes on this group, enacting various anti-Chinese regulations across the state. The focus of the right limiting laws was to crash the economic activities of the immigrants and offer more opportunities to the locals. Some include the laundry ordinance targeting the Chinese because they carried their goods on their backs rather than carts. Many other laws, including those signed to bar Chinese laborers from entering the U.S., reveal the concealed economic racism against them. The regulations explicitly targeted one race in California, demonstrating the strong connection of economic to racism. 
The Mexican-American War
War Causes
The Mexican-American war was primarily caused by a border dispute between the U.S. and Mexico. The question existed whether the U.S. should incorporate Texas as part of its Union after gaining independence. Although there was some reluctance because Texas was a slave region and the constant threats from the Mexican administration, the U.S. started the processes of annexing the area during Polk’s tenure post-1844. The president first wanted to buy the area, but his offer was turned down, leading to the forceful acquisition through military action. Mexica responded, triggering the Mexican-American war that ended with the American victory. As a result, the U.S. changed its borders to incorporate the disputed areas. 
Outcome and Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
The treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo represents the pact that brought the Mexican-American war to an end. It marks the surrender of Mexico against the military power of the U.S. in 1848. The two nations reached this agreement at the Guadalupe-Hidalgo to signify the start of peace between the two countries. The war results were that the Mexico administration had to relinquish a significant proportion of the disputed lands that include current regions of California, Texas, and Arizona, among others. It also accepted the Rio Grande as the official boundary marking the United States territorial expanse. The treaty also incorporated many other concessions between the two countries to avoid further clashes or future aggressions.  
A History of Los Angeles
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