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Settlers’ Colonialism and How it Shaped the American Societal Inequities

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment you must watch the following video listed below and respond to the prompts. You can either make a recording or you can provide a written response. There will be no page number requirement. If you write or do a recording, be sure to make it clear which prompt you are responding to.
Robin D. G. Kelley: What is Racial Capitalism and Why Does it Matter?
1. What does it mean to say that the U.S. developed as a result of settler colonialism
2. Based on how Kelley describes "racial capitalism", identify 5 features of racial capitalism? (Note: these examples can come from any of the materials from this class).
3. Provide ONE example for EACH of these properties that have been discussed in the readings and video from this course.
4. Provide ONE example for EACH of these properties that you see happening in the world today
5. What is meant by “racialized labor”?
6. What are 2 or three examples of racialized labor that you can think of?
7. Explain how you know that it is racialized labor.
8. What are the 3 Cs of labor?
Here is the YouTube video to answer the above questions
There is only 8 questions to be answered.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Racial Capitalism
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What does it mean to say that the U.S. developed as a result of settler colonialism?
Settlers’ colonialism is a form of colonialism intended to replace the native population of a colonialist territory with a new society of settlers practicing their culture and practice. The American settlers’ colonialism is the system of governance reenactment in their colonial territories upon which indigenous people are eliminated and exploited by the immigrants. Settlers colonialism aims to remove and erase indigenous people from taking over their lands for perpetuity use (Kelley, 2017). The United States exists through the settlers-colonial foundation. The framework was structured with a system of subordination with a great course of American existence caused by the vast African slaves’ importation, enslaving of the indigenous people, and the exportation of the native settlers of their colonials territories (Kelley, 2017). Therefore, America was developed as a result of settler colonialism using three foundational processes; indigenous elimination, anti-lack racism, and immigrant exploitation.
The processes continue to shape the American societal inequities, highly propagated by the supremacy of the whites. The American states were developed from the elimination of the naïve American settlers, black people subjugation, and exploitation of immigrants of color to cause their expulsion from their lands. Originally, there was no interaction between people of color and whites. The blacks had their schools, segregated settlements, hotels, shops, and medical institutions, also applicable to whites. The blacks’ amenities and settlements were not of good quality; there were poor medical services, poor education, poverty was spread through their community, and the pricing of products was relatively low for affordability. Kelley (2017) explains that today’s gentrification and transformation in America is typically the modern form of settlers colonialism. The whites have taken over the blacks and developed their restaurants and shops, rising property values, improved schools and medical institutions. Therefore, the American society is still undergoing redevelopment from its initial formation of settlers’ colonialism.
Based on how Kelley describes “racial capitalism,” identify five features of racial capitalism?
Racial capitalism is Cedric J. Robinson’s ideology explained by his authorship, “Black Marxism.” In his book, Robinson describes racial capitalism as a process of exploiting a person’s social and economic value based on their racial identification and orientation, typical people of color. He further explains that despite racial capitalism targeting people of color can be engaged by any race depending on the racial superiority of particular establishments or institutions (Robinson, 2020). There are features that explicitly explain racial capitalism, as discussed below.
Class Conflict refers to the political tension and economic enmity in society between the rich and the poor. Class conflict is characterized by a lack of mobility and the concentration of power and property among few elites. A class conflict society is divided into two classes: the haves and the have -nots, which are always at war with each one on another. One group regards the other as its natural rival. According to Kelley’s description of racial capitalism, a class conflict existed where he stated that Ballard was like the whites community, whereas Central District was considered ghetto. He further explains how the 23 of them who were being bussed to all-white schools experienced racism from both the students and teachers (Kelley, 2017).
Economic Inequalities refers to the existence of unequal distribution of income, wealth, opportunity, and economic power. The existence of private property and inheritance is the main reason why such inequalities are always noticeable. According to the video, Kelly explains how black and whites lived separately during those days. There was an existence of black only swimming pool, which they knew as Medgar Evers. During those days, the whites were considered the wealthiest based on their schools and places of residence. Therefore, economic power was in the hands of the white.
Private Property and Inheritance is a racial capitalism feature explained by Kelley (2017) as private property and inheritance. This is where natural land...
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