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Write 1000-1500 words academic essay following the rules of academic standards, essay writing, A.P.A. 7th edition reference style. Cite a minimum of 5 relevant sources. The academic essay will be graded based on the provided rubric. 1. Discuss the principles of infection control in healthcare environments and the role that healthcare assistants play in preventing the spread of infections.

Essay Instructions:
1. Clearly presents a main idea and supports it throughout the paper 2. Well-planned and well￾thought out. Includes title, introduction, statement of main idea, transitions and conclusion. 3. All paragraphs have clear ideas, are supported with examples and have smooth transitions 4. Exceptionally well presented and argued; ideas are detailed, well developed, supported with specific evidence & facts, as well as examples and specific details 5. Sources are exceptionally well integrated and they support claims argued in the paper very effectively. Quotations and Works Cited conform to A.P.A style sheet. 6. APA 7th edition style of referencing Font style (New Times Roman), font size (12), page numbering Use of Correct Font style & Font Size, Pages Numbered, Aligned Cover page, Double Spacing, Indent Paragraphs, Correct Use of Narrative and Parenthetical In-Text Citation and Reference List.
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Principles of Infection Control in Healthcare Environments and the Role of Healthcare Assistants in Preventing the Spread of Infections Student’s name Department: University Course: Course Code Instructor’s name Date Principles of Infection Control in Healthcare Environments and the Role of Healthcare Assistants in Preventing the Spread of Infections Introduction Healthcare-associated infections are spreading rapidly, creating an alarming situation in healthcare settings. Infection control is fundamental in healthcare management and aims to prevent the spread of infections within these settings. Healthcare-associated infections relate to communicable infections acquired in healthcare settings in the course of receiving treatment. Most of the time, patients develop unexpected infections during treatment that may complicate their health conditions to the point of death. With this concern in the healthcare system, several strategies or principles could be applied to avoid further damage. This research paper discusses the principles of infection control in healthcare settings and the role of healthcare assistants in preventing the spread of these infectious infections. Principles of Infection Control in Healthcare Settings Hand hygiene Ignaz Semmelweis researched and discovered that hand washing reduced hand contamination, reduced healthcare-associated infections, and prevented patients from double infections (Collins, 2018). Even according to Exodus 30:21, they shall wash their hands and feet that they die not and shall be a statute forever to them (RSV). Appropriate hand washing involves the use of antiseptic soaps containing chlorhexidine and alcohol hand rubs. These two have been proven effective in reducing bacterial counts in the hands if appropriately used. Healthcare assistants should have their hands washed adequately before handling a patient. However, sometimes, it becomes difficult when the patient's severe disease condition does not give the healthcare assistant time to wash his hands. In such an instance, alcohol-based hand wash is recommended. Healthcare professionals are encouraged to keep their hands clean since emergencies can present themselves at any time. In addition, apart from hand washing, healthcare professionals are advised to use gloves to maximize patient safety and minimize infections in hospitals, homes, or the ambulance. Although hand washing is considered an individual responsibility, healthcare institutions contribute tremendous resources to hand hygiene by providing resources and motivators for washing hands to mitigate a successful patient outcome. Leadership All healthcare professionals invest their energy and time to offer patients health services for complicated medical needs for healing. During maximum performance to the best of their ability in primum non-nocere, healthcare professionals follow and use scientific innovations to increase the value of their service delivery. The implementation of such scientific innovation during caregiving sometimes results in medical errors. To prevent and minimize such occurrences, the health institution needs leadership skills from the organization's administrator, director, and individual health practitioners to reduce risks. Leaders within the health institution sectors with cardholders of a vision are value-driven and have behaviours that motivate organizational performance (Tomczyk et al., 2022). A health institution with the right leadership capabilities will perform reliably in best practices in controlling infections. Proper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The importance of infection control can hardly be overestimated in the context of healthcare organizations aimed at providing health services for a targeted community. KAPs include hand hygiene standards, using personal protective equipment (PPE) in the facility, environmental cleaning and disinfection standards, and safe injectio...
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