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Will the Unites States Become More Culturally Pluralistic Society in the Future?

Essay Instructions:

1. Read topic: 2042 the "Embracing year" As the US becomes more racially and ethnically diverse, we will become a more culturally pluralistic society. By the year 2042, the majority of people and social institutions in the US will embrace and accept other cultures.
2. We had to write and essay that supports or opposes it.
3. Read my peers essay on topic: The United States will become more diverse especially since my generation is more open-minded about culture, ethnicity, and race. I know so many people now that are in my age range who are a lot more open about other people and their differences compared to the older people I know. I think if we don't stress religion in the school systems, especially non-Christian schools, then we can grow to be even more culturally tolerant of other races. It is ridiculous to judge someone on their appearance or color of skin, traditions they celebrate, and ways they live based on their ethnicity. I'm glad to see so many people like me who don't see race as mattering. We are less prejudiced than our parents and older family members, elderly neighbors, etc. We accept people and want to befriend others with differences even physical more now for the newer generations because we judge people based on their character. This is less apparent in the south though unfortunately and until people stop being brainwashed, things won't change. Religion and a strict upbringing, especially home-schooled children, are more likely to be prejudiced. Prejudice can be lessened if we stop taking religion so seriously and using it as a crutch or excuse to judge others. My friends in other places of the world, especially people I know online who don't live in the southern United States, are much more open to other cultures than people in Georgia. One of my best friends and her friends and family know a Mexican girl who married a black guy and all of them and most of their family is supportive of this. I think it doesn't matter as well what color or sexuality you are, especially when it comes to befriending others and having a relationship with another person, and so do all of my friends. My family isn't the same way when it comes to sexuality but they are when it comes to race. If we teach History and stress the importance of History and teach it in a way which is interesting and easy to remember, we will teach both current and future generation how not to repeat the same unfortunate events which happened in the past.
WHAT YOU Write: tell what you liked/agreed with, while expanding or clarifying specific points made by my peer. Offer additional argument to support a position taken in the answer. If you don't understand or think they applied incorrectly then write about it. You may disagree as well but be respectful.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation
I agree that the United States will become more diverse in the future. Growing up in a generation exposed to multiple cultures from kindergarten to workplace diversity has facilitated an environment where culture, ethnicity, and race are only distinct characteristics but not what wholly defines an individual. We have become open about our differences and why would we not be? With thirty percent of our population being nonwhite, diversity is a concept we know very well.
I also agree that our generation is less prejudiced as compared to our parents and grandparent. Currently, we live in a country where ethnic diversity is prevalent. Immigration has increased, thereby bringing diverse people together. Thus, our socialization with people from different ethnicities has made us more accepting. Moreover, the world is changing. Through the history of our nation, we get to learn the concept of discrimination and its negative influences on our country by eliciting ethnic division and inequality. Therefore, our generation, having learned from these experiences, we appreciate the positive impacts of diversity, for example, having talented individuals such as Kerry Washington, Jennifer Anniston and Sofia Vergara make our entertainment industry fun, exciting and interesting despite their ethnic backgrounds.
Your argument that judging people based on their skin color or their culture is accurate. I believe we all have different cultural beliefs and values that we hold, which displays our differences. However, instead of judging, we should be accommodating and appreciative. Social, economic gaps between various ethnic groups, are narrowing. In the U.S., the...
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