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Predicting the US "Average Family" will Look like in 2040

Essay Instructions:

First read topic: Expanding on the idea of that 1960s sociology class, how would you predict the US "average family" will look like in 2040? What will be the role of women?of men? of children? the extended family?
Then read my peer's response to topic.
What an astounding thought it is that the definition of family will continue to evolve. I see evidence of how “family” has changed in my lifetime thus far, so I can only imagine the change in the next 23 years. I will start by saying that as the definition of family continues to expand, I believe there will still be margin, as in, not everyone will fall into these new roles I describe below and some will maintain their role and family makeup as is.
I believe the family unit will continue to expand in its definition. There is no set "average family" now, so I believe we will move even further from an average in the future. As we've seen all throughout this course, there are so many types of people that make up a family; from husband, wife, and children, to two dads and children, to a grandmother raising her grandchildren. There is no set formula for family. So, as we look into the future in 2040, I think this will just increase. I'm sure the number of adults cohabitating instead of marrying will increase and perhaps more adults will put off having kids until even later than what we are seeing now.
Based on our current society and overall shifting roles, I imagine many women in 2040 to be independent, leaders in business and politics, and cultivating a greater sense of empowerment and control. Similarly, I expect that many men will step back from their roles of head of the family, more will stay home with children, and support their counterpart's career endeavors. I do not think that the role of children will change much, as children continue to need the same sort of things even as family evolves: love, basic needs, and security.
As far as extended family goes, I have trouble painting a picture for this. Currently extended family is so different for everyone. For example, all of my extended family lives in a 10 mile radius. However, there are many people who have extended family across the country, and many times, across the world. As social media continues to help people stay connected, perhaps in 2040 extended family will continue to spread out, therefore not playing a huge role in immediate family happenings.
Though it is hard to imagine how different it will really be in 2040, there is no doubt the institution of family has changed in my lifetime, and I believe it will continue to evolve in ways we can't even picture at this point.
What you write: tell what you liked/agreed with, while expanding or clarifying specific points made by my peer. Offer additional argument to support a position taken in the answer. If you don't understand or think they applied incorrectly then write about it. You may disagree as well but be respectful.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Date of submission
I agree with the fact that the definition of family has changed over the past five decades. The changes are advancing from one decade to the next. By 2040, about 20 years from now, the changes might have reached the peak of their advancement. The rise of the new technology, as well as the changes in the societal roles, have acted as the main drivers towards the changes in the family structure.
Some family structures that were once seen as controversial such as the same-sex marriages are witnessed even today. In 2040, such families dominate the society. Adoption, in-vitro fertilization and other means such as surrogacy are already the driving factors, which facilitate the existence of such households. The society will not question the parenting of a child with two fathers or two mothers. In 2040, it has been predicted that even the robots will form part of some families. Based on the trend that various house chores and other roles that would have otherwise be left to people, are likely to be left for the robots.
It is clear that the roles of children are not likely to change in this dynamic set up. Children always remain as the families' young ones regardless of gender. The children in the changing families require the same needs as those who existed before the start of these changes. On the other h...
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