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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Week 3 writing assignment. Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay.

Essay Instructions:

The term touch therapies refers to a broad range of modalities used by practitioners that involve putting the hands on or near the body. The three modalities chosen for this course are massage and bodywork techniques, infant massage education, and foot reflexology.

Explain how each modality represents a different dimension of touch therapies and bodywork interventions.

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Week 3 Writing Assignment
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Week 3 Writing Assignment
Touch therapy is a type of treatment that involves hands to direct the flow of energy in one's body. Touch therapy works because the body can heal itself. When one is injured or ill, the body takes time to heal. However, practitioners believe that touch therapy helps the healing process to occur more naturally and rapidly (Dossey et al., 2009). People use touch therapy to relieve stress and anxiety, reduce pain, reduce fatigue, improve the immune system's functions, among other things. In some cases, touch therapy has been reported to work well with people who have terminal illnesses.
Massage and bodywork techniques help the body to relax. In touch therapies, massage is one of the most popular remedies. In addition to providing relaxation, massages help eliminate anxiety, stress, and even pains in the body's specific points (Stillerman, 2014). In the modern-day world, daily life is characterized by long working hours and reduced relaxation time. As such, massage plays a critical role in rejuvenating and re-energizing one's body. Massage represents the breadth dimension of touch therapies and bodywork interventions. In addition to physical contact, touch therapies help to improve the breathing system in an individual. The most common feeling that results from massage is that of relaxation. Relaxation helps with airflow, which makes for better breath.
Infant massage is a traditional method of touch therapy that is standard in Asia and Africa. Their benefits include better bone structure, added weight, and enhanced movement and limb coordination. While infant massage is easy to do, it needs to be taught to ensure that it works effectively and does not cause any harm to the child (Walker, 2011). The dimension represented by infant massage is movement. One of the main benefits of touch therapy is that it aids better movement. Withou...
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