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Discuss how the five elements of all matter are viewed in holistic nursing care.

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a minimum of 3 references, must include a title page and reference page.

Discuss how the five elements of all matter are viewed in holistic nursing care. Identify and discuss  nursing theories used in guiding holistic nursing practice. Discuss if any holistic nursing practices are used in your area of work

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Holistic Nursing
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Holistic Nursing
Holistic nursing is nursing practice whose goal is the healing of the person as a whole. Holistic nurses take a special approach in their practice. They focus on the mind, body, spirit, emotion, and environment aspects of the individual (Booth & Kaylor, 2018). Holistic nursing is founded on caring, interconnectedness, and relationship. Holistic nurses recognize and integrate modalities and principles of holistic healing into their daily lives and clinical practice. In addition to providing holistic care, holistic nurses integrate spirituality, reflection, self-care, and self-responsibility in their lives (Booth & Kaylor, 2018). This paper explains how the elements of matter are viewed in holistic nursing, theories that guide holistic nursing, and holistic nursing practices used in my area of work.
The first element of matter is earth. Earth is grounding and calming. It regulates tissues, muscles, and bones, and keeps one’s ego in check. The earth also plays a role in infections and inflammations. Due to this the earth is viewed as an important element in holistic nursing care because it encompasses the most critical aspects of nursing. A nurse is supposed to be calm, compassionate, and reassuring (Cowling, 2016). In addition to this, he or she should find a way to bring down the temped-up energies of demanding patients. Therefore, to show the resemblance of holistic care to natural healing, the earth plays an important role in teaching holistic nursing.
The second element of matter is water. Water flows and adapts to its circumstances. Also, it binds substances and has a powerful healing nature that doubles up as nourishment. Water, thus, plays an important role in holistic nursing because it teaches nurses to adapt to the environment in which they find themselves in. In addition to helping patients heal, holistic nurses should connect with their patients to provide them with a source of social nourishment.
The third element is air. The air is the channel through which all matter connects. Air allows breath and movement. In holistic nursing, it plays a crucial role because it acts as a channel of open communication. Holistic nurses are taught to utilize the air to communicate love and compassion (Cowling, 2016). This in turn, encourages patients to express themselves freely in a brightened atmosphere.
The fourth element is fire. Fire is the cleanser of all that is impure. It is also a source of heat. Just like fire burns up impurities, holistic nurses are taught to Keep diseases at bay. Like the heat emitted by a burning fire, holistic nursing acts as a source of power, which brings confidence and courage to patients. The fifth element is space. Space is the source of all other elements. In holistic nursing, space is representative of the lack of or abundance of each of the other elements. The more the elements within the space, the more successful the holistic care is.
King’s theory of goal attainment is one of the theories used to guide holistic nursing. According to this theory, human beings are rational and sentient beings who have the ability to choose, feel, think, set goals, and find means of achieving the established goals (Frisch & Rabinowitsch, 2019). The theory proposes that if a perceptual interaction is present between a nurse and a patient, then a transaction will occur. Also, if the nurse and the patient make an accurate transaction, the desired goal will be achieved. Once the goal is achieved, satisfaction will occur. Imogene King makes four more propositions with regard to ...
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