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Value Stream Map for Employee Retention Program

Essay Instructions:

Refer back to Chapter 10 in your text, beginning on page 259, where we discussed Value Stream Mapping and Kaizen events. Referring back to the operational problem you are working to solve for your final paper. To continue working on solving this problem, this assignment asks you to build a Value Stream Map.

Please include the following information on your value stream map:

1. Complete 2 Value Stream Maps

1) Build a high level value stream map of your problem

2) Pick one part of the high level map to draw a more detailed value stream map for it.

a. Identify and clearly show at least 2 kaizen opportunities on your detailed map.

b. Clearly mark the throughput times on your detailed map.

2. Please include a narrative explaining what your map is telling the reader and why you chose the 2 kaizen events and what you plan to accomplish in these events.

Paper Requirements

APA formatting

Value Stream Map (2) - one high level and one detailed - please use Visio or Microsoft Word to build the map


Submit one final document, which includes the value stream maps and narrative.

**Please refer to pg. 262 for an example of a Value Stream Map.


Running head: WEEK 3-DESIGNING A STUDY 1 WEEK 3-DESIGNING A STUDY Pascaline Nwokoma Maryville University MHA 615 11/08/2020 WEEK 3-DESIGNING A STUDY 2 1. What data will you be collecting and measuring? The data collected in as far as the problem of staff retention concerns information from the employees on several issues affecting them. The staff is the project's major beneficiaries will provide information on their job satisfaction and suggestions on how things should be made better. The other aspect would be a systematic review of other similar healthcare facilities to understand their strategies in retaining employees in as far as work-life balance is concerned. Also, data on the best salary packages will be retrieved through the systematic review to understand how competitive the facility's salaries are compared to other healthcare providers in the same rank. Another critical aspect of data required includes the guidelines and standards set by the health body for employee training and career development. Given that the facility deals mostly with cancer, a field that is evolving day and night will be very important to receive the standards, training manuals, and guidelines. 2. Why did you choose this data? The data will provide the necessary information, which will allow Concord Medical Center to overcome its major challenge of staff turnover. Firstly, it will focus on the employees who are the foundation of the problem, and therefore any strategy that is geared towards improving their work environment should originate from them. The systematic review of other facilities could be crucial in ensuring that whatever salary and work conditions or work schedules offered at Concord Medical Center match are higher than those offered in other facilities. Lastly, given the healthcare field is ever-evolving, and in particular cancer treatment, it will be essential to have updated training and guidelines on dealing with the emerging challenges. WEEK 3-DESIGNING A STUDY 3 3. How will you collect the data? The human resource manager will schedule an interview with the staff to collect their views. The employees will also be given questionnaires, which they can fill to provide comprehensive and documented feedback. To carry out the systematic review of other facilities, the human resource department with a team of employees will organize to visit other facilities to collect data on the competitiveness of Concord's work environment and salaries. Observation will also be critical in this scenario. 4. What story does the data tell as it relates to your operational problem? The data will be crucial in providing an overview of the situation on the ground. It will help understand the employees' point of dissatisfaction and what causes the high staff turnover. It will be crucial in involving the staff in the project, as they are the key stakeholders who will be affected by the changes or lack of any changes as far as the project is concerned. Besides, the data they will provide will be crucial in guiding the facility's response to the challenges they are facing. 5. How could you make sure the data is representative of the actual situation? To ensure that the data represents actual scenarios, the staff will be given questionnaires, they will unanimously fill. For the interviews, the human resource manager will bring in an interviewer who is not used to the staff to provide them with an environment where they can speak freely without fear or intimidation or bias from the management. To collect data from other facilities for comparison purposes, the human resource department and other staff who are not directly within the employees' sphere of practice will carry it out. In this way, the data that will be collected will be very objective and free of biases. WEEK 3-DESIGNING A STUDY 4 6. Build a hypothesis H0: Addressing the staff turnover problem at Concord Medical Centre will help deal with employee turnover at the facility and improve service delivery quality. H1: Staff dissatisfaction and employee turnover will increase, leading to poor quality of services.

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Value Stream Map for Employee Retention Program
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Value Stream Map for Employee Retention Program
Organizations strive towards maximizing the workforce to get work done in less time, with greater ease and higher productivity levels. Therefore, the aspect of improving the cycle time is minimizing waste within the organization system that eventually guarantees maximum productivity. Such a perspective is essential in improving the quality of production that ensures customer satisfaction by providing appropriate services at the recommended time (Tyagi et al., 2015). In this case, the Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is considered a tool essential for helping an individual understand and perceive material flow and information as a product flows through the value stream. Notably, the focus of the Value stream is on understanding the way of streamlining the processes and organization systems. The VSM tool reveals the system's current functioning and reveals the opportunities that would guarantee improvements along the process. This paper presents the current state of the retention process and its lean display afterward. The primary focus is on identifying and eliminating waste, which refers to various activities that do not add value to the organization system (Dal Forno et al., 2014).
The lean principles originate with various objectives on waste reduction, a decrease of inventory, operational costs, improvement of product quality, improved productivity, and job satisfaction. The value stream mapping process, in this case, is divided into steps that include: identification of service level, creation of the current value stream to determine the existing problem from the organizational and customer perspective, creation of the ideal future state map, identification of corrective measures required to close the existing gap between current and future, implementation of the identified corrective measures and finally the creation of a map for the current state to verify the elimination of problems that existed previously (Dal Forno et al., 2014).
The value stream map that will be drawn provides information flow presented in a diagram format. In this map, both the service and information flow are clearly depicted, and skill flow control is examined.
The lean is characterized by assessing the operations and processes that provide additional costs alongside time rather than value. In this study, the steps included in the restructuring and ensuring employee retention process are placed under examination to determine the extent to which there is a value addition to the process. Any element that does not add value to the system is subjected to improvement (Dal Forno et al., 2014).
Employee retention process
The process entails the scrutiny of the employee skills and application towards organization productivity daily. This ensures that the company retains the best skills that ensure smooth running and reward processes that ensure morale is kept high. The case first begins with the recruitment process. After being approved, the candidate is sent to Human Resource (HR) department where the employee is approved after a specific duration of time and shown their job description and responsibilities. In this retention process, the employee faces two departments, the recruitment and retention department, and the human resource department (Tyagi et al., 2015).


Time frame


The front office (PA) receives the case including employee CV and marks the file and sends to HR manager

2 days


The HR checks the file marks the name and sends to departmental manager

3 days


Departmental manager sends the case to supervisor on-site for evaluation of skills

1 day


The employee is assessed physically on performance

5 days


Supervisor sends back recommendation to Department manager

1 day


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