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Week 1 Assignment: Privacy & Security Issues, HIPAA Security

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Directions:

You are the new Privacy Officer in the Health Information Management (HIM) department at ABC Family Practice. Your practice recently hired a new receptionist, Sue. A HIPAA Complaint Violation was submitted to your compliance hotline on an act Sue was witnessed completing. The violation form states that Sue’s friend, Anna, works for an attorney. Anna comes to your facility to pick up copies of records for one of her boss’s clients. She did not bring the patient’s authorization form with her and does not have time to go back to her office. Sue provides her the records based on her friendship and a promise to return later with the patient’s authorization form.

You have been asked to educate Sue on the privacy and security issues that surrounded this event.


Introduction: Provide Sue with information on how she violated HIPAA. State specifically how HIPAA was violated.

Privacy & Security Issues: Describe the privacy and security issues involved with EHR and the release of information (ROI). (there is more than one issue)

Legal Consequences & Risks: Explain the legal consequences and the risks associated with the improper exchange of patient information and EHR.

Preventative Measures: List the steps that should be taken to prevent this from happening again.

Conclusion: Scenarios: Provide 1 proper way to releasing information and 1 improper way so that Sue can understand how to complete a correct release of information.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

HIPAA Privacy and Security
[Name of the Writer]
[Name of the Institution]
[Name of the Subject]
HIPAA Privacy and Security
In the given vase study, violation of the HIPAA was carried out by Sue who was the new receptionist. Anna who was Sue’s friend works for the attorney. The violation of the rules occurred when Anna came to Sue for picking up the copies of the records of her boss. However, Anna did not carried the authorization form with her and due to limited time, she did not went back to get the authorization letter. Without the authorization form, Sue provided her the records on the basis of the friendship as well as promise to return the records along with the authorization. This act of Sue can be regarded as the breach of privacy of the patient’s information.
Privacy has been defined as the “right of the person to restrict the disclosure of the information to others”. At the same time as the advancement of technology has streamlined the process of sharing and utilization of the patient data, the risk of data breach which violates the rules of HIPPA remain (Herold & Beaver., 2004). The exploitation of the rules mainly occur due to the inadequate usage of the patient information as evident in the given case or the failure of the technology. Most of the governments consider data breach as a major concern and consequently, they have implemented stiff penalties. As per the federal Department of Health and Human Services that regulate HIPAA, both intentional or unintentional violations of the laws and data breaches can lead to fine of $50,000. Furthermore, the information shared by Sue with Anna if not handled adequately can cause serious consequences. For instance, the any breach of the medical record of the patient by Anna could lead to identity theft that can eventually damage the...
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