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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Waste Diary. Waste generated. Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:


Please select a 24 hour period between now and Wednesday night to recird a dary if your "waste" not excreta, but your discards. Concurrently if you employ strategies for recuperation, encode those too. Example, prepared dinner vegetable scraps saved for compost. Placed n my bin, turned into L.E.S. Ecology center, or dropped off at _____.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Waste Diary
Student Name
Institution Affiliation

Waste source

Waste generated


Further action

At 7 AM

I made of bowl of cereals, cooked two eggs and some tea.

Egg shells.
Used tea bags.
Left over cereal.
Sugar wrappers.

I collected all the waste and put them in the dustbin.

At 10 am

I visited the school canteen and bought a packet of chewing gums, an apple, queen cakes and some pineapple fresh juice.
Bought a polythene paper to carry the items

Chewing gum and cake wrappers.
The juice container.
Apple stalks.

Preserved the waste in my school bag because there was no dustbin in close proximity.

Dropped it off at the dust bin at the school gate.

At 12pm

I visited the school canteen for my lunch and ordered fried rice, some vegetables and a piece of fish. I also bought a bottle of water and a banana.

Fish bones.
Undercooked vegetables.
Some of the fried rice.
Empty water bottle.
Banana peeling.

I collected all the waste and discarded them at the dustbin on my way out of the canteen.

At 4pm

On my to the hostel I passed by Charlie’s coffee shop for some take out cappuccino and a creamy doughnut.

Cappuccino disposable cup.
Sugar wrappers.

I threw the cappuccino cup and sugar wrappers at the dustbin close to my hostel. I preserved the creamy doughnut in my bag.

I gave a homeless person...
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