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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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W2: ROI Video & Reflection

Essay Instructions:


Review the following video(below) and compose a reflection where you answer the following:

Summarize this case and describe what occurred.

What steps during the ROI(RELEASE OF INFORMATION) process could have been taken to ensure this did not happen?

State at least one measure that should have been taken to prevent this from occurring.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
W2: ROI Video & Reflection Name Institution The case involves a patient who reports over medical records by Hampton VA that are mailed to the wrong patient. While the patient had to be reminded of a missed appointment, it was unbelievable that he found another patient’s sensitive medical records in his letter. The patient was also worried that he had never seen his medical results because they were sent to someone else. His major question was on the number cases of medical records falling on the wrong hands. The patient suspected that the person responsible is not effective in his job or has too much to handle. After contacting VA, the patient was informed that the organization took patient health information seriously and this could have been a case of human error (WAVY TV 10, 2016). In order to protect patient information, ROI process should include monitoring receipt of patient request to ensure that it is from the right patient and identify delivery format, tracking the request to ensure that it is being conducted appropriately, reviewing the processing of the request for accuracy, completeness, and ensuring authority and iden...
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