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Cognitive Training On Stroke Patients Via Virtual Reality Based Serious Games

Essay Instructions:

Submit a summary of six of your articles on the discussion board. Discuss one strength and one weakness to each of these six articles on why the article may or may not provide sufficient evidence for your practice change

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Gamito, P., Oliveira, J., & Coelho, C. (2017). Cognitive Training on stroke patients via virtual reality-based serious games. Disability and rehabilitation, 355-388.
The strength of this method is that the cognitive tranining that is used offers a chance of proving a solution that is cost effective. Besides, the method can help in testing the effectiveness of virtual reality applications .
The weaknesses of the research is that the number of participants that was used in the study was small. Therefore, it was not effective in providing an overall picture of what the entire poulation is. Therefore, it would difficult to trust the accuracy of the results provided in this study. A larger sample would have painted a better bicture that would have been more accurace.
Hande, G., & Ozgur, Z. (2018). The Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Stroke Rehabilitation. Irish Journal of Medical Science, pp 1-5.
The study involved conducting experiment and not having to rely on secondary information. This gave the researchers the chance to present first-hand information that is based on something they can trust and believe in. therefore, the accuracy of the results could was enhanced through the experiments that were conducted.
However, the study also involved a small number of participants which again never gave a good representation of the overall picture of what happens in that population. Once again, using a larger sample size, though can be expensive, would have led to better results.
Hornby, T., Moore, J., & Lovell, L. (2016). Influence of Skill and Exercise training parameters on locomotor recovery during stroke rehabilitation . Current Opinion in neurology , 677-683.
The strength of the article was that it used a number of variables to that offered multiple points of view and enabled the study to dig deeper into the issue. The several variable...
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