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Cloning of the Sheep "Dolly" and the Opportunities for Discoveries in Medical Field

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Case Study AnalysisNameInstitutional AffiliationDate
One of the world famous clone was that of Dolly the sheep and it was the first cloning of a mammal from an adult cell. As much as we say that the cloning was one of its kind, cloning has always existed over a long period of time where it was carried out on the asexual bacteria and the aphids. There are also other clones that have been produced in the lab such as the frogs, cows, mice and they were all cloned from the DNA embryos. One of the things that distinguish Dolly cloning from other types of cloning and that make it a major scientific achievement is that Dolly was cloned from an adult cell and the achievement showed that an adult cell can be used to create an entire organism.
As Yount notes in his article, Ian Wilmut and Cloning, the cloning of animals from an adult cell is more difficult as compared to when one is cloning from an embryonic cell. This is one of the reasons that made the cloning of Dolly to be popular across the world. The first step that was involved in the cloning was getting an udder cell from another sheep which was a Dorset White Sheep that was six years old. They went ahead to alter the udder cells and prevented them from growing while they kept them alive and they achieved this by changing the growth medium. They got an unfertilized egg cell from a Scottish ewe and injected the udder cell into it. The team involved in the research managed to fuse the two cells, they had another task of making ...
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