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Understanding Risk Management within Medical Institutions

Essay Instructions:

Insight Paper Week 4: What is Risk Management? (100 pts.)
This assignment requires a full 3-4 page research report reflecting critical thinking and an analysis of research findings. Reports must be supported with 3 scholarly creditable outside resources and is to be formatted throughout in accord with APA requirements. In summary required is the Title Page, the Main Body, and a Citations page. Papers are to be posted in the Assignment folder titled Risk Management for grading by Saturday at 11:59 PM. Be sure to reference the competency/student learning outcomes identified in the weekly overview and in the rubric as grading is strictly adhered to the identified competencies.
Topic: Define risk management and include a description of the role of the risk manager/safety officer. Identify at least 2 types of risks that can occur in a healthcare facility explaining each and identify the process used to reduce or eliminate the risks. Include:
How information would be captured and the benefits of an automated database
Who would be affected by the risks you identified
List the steps in the process utilized to reduce risk
What are the anticipated outcomes
Week 4 Insight Paper Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Competency/Outcome - Explain the role and functions of a risk manager/safety officer - Identify 2 types of risk that occur in healthcare facilities and the process used to reduce or eliminate the risks
Exemplary- Demonstrates an advanced understanding of the primary thesis of the paper that sparks the interest of the reader and clearly identifies competencies/ outcomes to be achieved
25 pts
Mastery- Demonstrates an accomplished understanding of the primary thesis of the paper that sparks the interest of the reader and identifies competencies/ outcomes to be achieved
22.5 pts
Proficient- Demonstrates an acceptable understanding of the primary thesis of the paper however competencies/ outcomes to be achieved are not clearly defined
20 pts
Emerging- Demonstrates an inadequate understanding of the primary thesis of the paper and does not identify the competencies/ outcomes to be achieved
17.5 pts
Does Not Meet Expectation- The paper does not reflect an understanding of the primary thesis of the paper and does not identify the competencies/ outcomes to be achieved
0 pts
25 pts
Critical Thinking/ Analytical Skills
Exemplary- Presents an insightful and thorough analysis of all issues identified; consistently demonstrates the use of critical thinking/ analytical skills
25 pts
Mastery- Presents a thorough analysis of most of the issues identified; demonstrates the use of critical thinking/ analytical skills
22.5 pts
Proficient- Presents a superficial analysis of some of the issues identified; minimal demonstration of the use of critical thinking/ analytical skills
20 pts
Emerging- Presents an incomplete analysis of the issues identified; demonstrates little or no use of critical thinking/analysis skill
17.5 pts
Does Not Meet Expectation- Does not present any critical thinking/ analysis
0 pts
25 pts
Utilization of Research
Exemplary- Supplements paper with relevant and extensive research into the body of the paper
25 pts
Mastery- Supplements paper with relevant research into the body of the paper
22.5 pts
Proficient- Supplements paper with limited research into the body of the paper
20 pts
Emerging- Minimally supplements paper with research into the body of the paper
17.5 pts
Does Not Meet Expectation- Does not include relevant research into the body of he paper
0 pts
25 pts
Quality and Organization of the writing
Exemplary- The paper is extremely well organized, makes excellent transitions from point to point, no spelling or grammatical errors and all references correctly cited
25 pts
Mastery- The paper is generally well organized with relatively smooth transitions from point to point; rare number of spelling and/or grammatical errors or references not correctly cited
22.5 pt
Proficient- The paper is organized with somewhat smooth transitions from point to point; under3 spelling and/or grammatical errors or references not correctly cited
20 pts
Emerging- The paper is minimally well organized with minimally acceptable transitions from point to point; several spelling and/or grammatical errors or references not correctly cited
17.5 pts
Does Not Meet Expectation- The paper is poorly organized with clumsy transitions from point to point, several spelling and grammatical errors, and references not correctly cited
0 pts
25 pts
Total Points: 100

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Risk Management
Institutional Affiliation:
In as much as healthcare facilities are developed in a manner that considers the safety of the patients, it is essential to consider that these environments still remain dangerous for the patients. The sources of risks within medical institutions would include falls, medical errors, and other health related infections. This therefore requires that health care facilities improve the health care quality and patient safety within the institutions of health (Atwell, 2014). Evaluations of the health care systems directed towards identifying the causes of these risks, and development of effective approaches of managing them through the improvement of health care standards remains a vital element. This paper therefore seeks to develop a deeper understanding of risk management within medical institutions.
Definition of Risk Management
The general definition of a health care approach to risk management infers to the policies, activities, and processes that are developed to reduce health facilities exposures to liabilities. Looking at risk management from a financial and patient safety point of view would consequently require health facilities to prevent the harms that are prevalent to patients and to reduce the aspect of medical malpractices through the development of risk management activities. Risk management as defined by Atwell (2014) denotes the occurrence of incidences that take place at the health facilities that are inconsistent with the operations of health care facilities, and which pose negative impacts that can affect the comfort and life of the patients, visitors, and employees (pp.44).
Two Types of Risks That Can Occur In a Healthcare Facility
Slips and Trips
Slipping or in on the other hand tripping remain some of the frequent causes of injuries within a health institution and one of the most avoidable risks. Such accidents are prone to happen within a health facility since they are cause by floor surfaces that are in a desperate state, wet walking ways, the use of inappropriate foot wares and weather hazards such as rain, snow and ice. Slips and trips can consequently be avoided through the incorporation of appropriate housekeeping methods (Stokes, Panagioti, Alam, Checkland, Cheraghi-Sohi, & Bower, 2015). This would see the cleaning of spills that happen on the floors, covering the loose cables and the removal of debris on the surfaces of the hospital. Having an appropriate floor is another approach that would be employed in avoiding such risks within a medical facility. Slips and trips are prone to affect the patients, the medical Practitioners and the visitors as well.
Medical Errors
Medical errors are known as some of the serious health challenges that pose threats to the safety of patients within medical institutions. Patients are potentially vulnerable to these types of risks and are considered to be costly to the economic, social, and human perspectives. It is essential to consider that treatment risks vary between hospital patients and outpatients. The outpatients may experience medical errors that may result from the lack of information. Patients may forget to list their medications or on the other hand the doctors may forget to give proper explanations on the use of different medicines (Stokes, et.al. 2015). Patients consequently need to be informed on the medications and tests that they undertake. Another health risk that the patients are likely to encounter is the contraction of infections that would occur from the lack of coordination between the doctors and the nurses. This would require an appropriate planned approach in the provision of care in order to avoid such risks. Medical errors are in this case bound to affect the patients and the caregivers as well.
Roles of the Risk Management Officers
The risk management officers have the capacity to handle different issues that arise within ...
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