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503 Mod 4 Case: Family-Building in the Artificial Reproductive Technology (Art) Era

Essay Instructions:

Module 4 - Case
Case Assignment
Jen is a 40-year-old single women who has for many years dreamed of having biological children of her own. To her knowledge, there are no medical obstacles preventing her from conceiving and carrying a baby to term. Her only impediment is that she does not have a spouse/partner with whom to participant in the process. Moreover, she has no intentions of getting married in the foreseeable future. She decides to meet with a local reproductive endocrinologist (RE) to pursue donor insemination. After four attempts, Jen is successful in becoming pregnant and soon learns that she will be giving birth to a boy.
What are the key considerations in conceiving a child under these circumstances?
What are the key considerations in parenting a child conceived in this manner?
What does the scholarly literature have to say about single parenting under these circumstances?
What does the scholarly literature have to say about parenting children conceived via ART?
*** Your responses should draw from the background reading materials for this module as well as additional scholarly sources identified in the course of your research (as opposed to your personal opinion). Please limit your essay to 2-3 pages.***
Assignment Expectations
After reading the background materials for this module and consulting the scholarly literature, write a paper in which you provide your responses to the specific questions that I have posed above.
LENGTH: 2-3 pages typed and double-spaced
The following items will be assessed in particular:
PRECISION: Each of the questions of the assignment is specifically addressed in the paper.
CLARITY: The paper reads clearly (i.e., it is not confusing) and is well-structured.
BREADTH: The paper presents appropriate breadth covering the questions of the assignment.
DEPTH: The paper presents points that lead to a deeper understanding of the matters and/or issues being discussed and integrates several points into coherent conclusions.
CRITICAL THINKING: You set aside your own personal biases and instead approach the subject matter using available scholarly evidence. You consider the strengths and weaknesses of competing arguments/perspectives on this topic. Having read these scholarly sources, you make a judgement as to the merit of the arguments presented therein.
NOTE: Please be sure to provide citations of sources consulted in preparing your paper in the body of the actual document itself (i.e., in addition to furnishing a reference list). Remember, any statement that you make that is not common knowledge or that originates from your synthesis or interpretation of materials that you have read must have a citation associated with it. For guidelines on in-text citations, visit the following web site: http://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/02/

Essay Sample Content Preview:

503 MOD 4 Cases: Family-Building in the Artificial Reproductive Technology (ART) Era
Family Building in the Artificial Reproductive Technology (ART) Era
1. What are the key considerations for persons attempting to use donor insemination (DI) to conceive a child under these circumstances?
The main consideration in such circumstance is the donors’ health. It does not matter where or whom the donor sperm is coming from; the main interest is the health of the donor. This is because if the sperm donors have any health problems the child might inherit the health complications (Feingold, 2002).
There are specific clinical guidelines to be followed concerning sperm guidelines according to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine. One of them is offering clients a comprehensive education on various methods that exist and the ones with the highest success rates. The guidelines also stipulate the need for legal agreements to be made and signed by the patient and the physician in relation to donor sperm (Feingold, 2002).
What are the key considerations in parenting a child conceived in this manner?
Parents need to be counseled to understand that the child will not be genetically theirs, meaning that if the child at one point inquires about his heritage or family lineage, the parent must provide information to the child. Parents should be willing and comfortable disclosing such information to the child when need arises (McCollum & Golombok, 2004).
The parents should adjust to reality that there is no other parent the child can identify with, at birth. Therefore, it is important for parents to explain to the child the fact that the father is only a sperm donor. The fact that a child's father is a sperm donor should not be a secret for the child because the child can be stigmatized, and or confused about his identity. The child may fail to bond with the parent (McCollum & Golombok, 2004).
Mother should decide how much information she would prefer to give to the child about the father especially about certain characteristics. In generally, parents should act in the best interest of the child and the immediate family members (McCollum & Golombok, 2004).
What does the scholarly literature have to say about single parenti...
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