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Understanding the Education of Dental Hygienist

Essay Instructions:

Hi so you will need to write a reflection paper on a signature assignment I did in my clinic seminar class (which is a class to prepare me for the dental hygiene national boards). I will attach a guide that tells you what you need to include in the reflection and in red I added some stuff you can add in each paragraph more. Please go by bullet points and add everything that is needed. I am a dental hygiene student so please make sure to correctly refer to as a dental hygienist.

  1. Analyze clinical experiences as related to optimal dental hygiene patient care.
  2. Participate in preparation for examinations and other procedures required for obtaining a dental hygiene license.
  3. Explain the value of lifelong learning in the delivery of evidence based dentistry.



Expectations of Reflection:  

  • An introductory paragraph that describes the signature assignment:

-          This signature assignment consisted of making infographics on the subjects where we were struggling on when taking the HESI exam. The 3 subjects that I made my infographics on were Radiology, pharmacology and head and neck anatomy.

    • How does what you learned through completing these competencies connect to the learning outcomes in this course (you must write about how they connect to at least 2 of the 3 CLOs)? Describe the gains you have made over the term in achieving the CLOs.

-          This signature assignment helped me focus on the areas where I was stuggling on in order to prepare for the national dental hygiene boards.  By completing this signature assignment it connects with clo 2 which states :Participate in preparation for examinations and other procedures required for obtaining a dental hygiene license

  • A paragraph (or more) that includes your reflection on:
    • What challenges did you face in completing this signature assignment? How did you address/troubleshoot them?

-          One challenge I faced when making these inforgraphics is by choicing what is the most important from each subject to put on the inforgraphics. There is a lot of information for each subject so to just to pit couple important parts on the inforgrpahic was hard to do. So I ended up putting the information which I struggled the most with yet might of not been the most important however for me that was what I was stuggling with.

    • What were your successes in completing this assignment?

The success in completing this assignment is learning the materials that I was struggling to learn. This is also a great guide to go look at when I am studying for the boards.

  • A paragraph (or more) that discusses your learning in this course throughout the term:

-My learning process for this class was quite difficult because this class we go over every subject that we have learned throughout our whole time in dental hygine program. There are too many to focus on which made it hard to learn all of the information. However this class is greatly helpful for the national boards as it does prepare us to take it.

  • A final paragraph that discusses a connection between what you studied in this course with what you have learned in other courses:
    • Make specific references to your work in this class and in the other courses. How did what you learned in the other courses enhance what you learned here and vice versa?

-          This class connects to all the classes I have taken as it does go over each subject. This class was helpful because some of the materials that I didn’t understand when I was taking those specific courses, this class made it clear for me.

    • Reflect on what you thought about the CLOs before you took this course (the beginning of the term) and what you think about them now that the course is over.

  - When I began this course I was not really aware of the clos and obviously as the course progressed the clos made more sense to me.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

DHYG 422 Clinic Seminar III
DHYG 422 Clinic Seminar III
A dental hygienist must be open-minded and dedicated to work to guarantee quality care. My clinic seminar class has groomed me to effectively carry out dental hygienist roles and prepare me for the national dental hygiene boards. The main objectives of the seminar were gaining clinical experiences related to dental hygiene patient care, effectively preparing for dental hygiene license examinations, and understanding the value of lifelong learning in executing evidence-based dentistry. In the seminar, I was tasked with making infographics in challenging subjects when taking the Health Education System Incorporated (HESI) exam that included radiology, pharmacology, and head and neck anatomy. I made several strides during the term that relates to class learning outcomes earlier mentioned. First, the assignment offered me a better lens in understanding the course, making it easy to tackle the examinations. This gain resonates with the course learning outcome of participation in the assignment to be prepared for tests and procedures needed to obtain a dental hygiene license. Further, I have managed to understand the importance of how best to ensure appropriate dental hygiene patient care. This gain connects to the course learning outcome of clinical experiences analysis related to dental hygiene and patient care.
Although I have made significant gains in the assignment, I experienced challenges in equal measure. My main challenge was choosing appropriate information for each infographic. There was a lot of information for each subject, and selecting t...
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