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Types of Variables: Study Settings and Population Description

Essay Instructions:

PLEASE FOLLOW THE OUTLINE INFO FROM BEFORE. SOURCES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER Module 4 - Case Module 4 - Case TYPES OF VARIABLES Case Assignment A researcher wishes to operationalize her study variables in the following manner. How might she go about doing so? Summarize your responses in tabular form (see example below), and supplement your table with a supporting narrative. Age (continuous) Gender (dichotomous) Ethnicity (categorical) Education (ordinal) Income (continuous) Marital status (categorical) Weight (continuous) Blood pressure (continuous) Hypertension (dichotomous) Body temperature (continuous) Health insurance status (categorical) Smoking status (dichotomous) Cancer Stage (ordinal) EXAMPLE: Variable: Name Type How operationalized How measured Age Etc. continuous Age in years How old were you on your last birthday? Narrative: When age is operationalized in this manner, one would merely need to query the respondent to determine the age she turned on her last birthday. Alternatively, the researcher could ask the respondent to provide his birth date and year, and then calculate age at a later time. Assignment Expectations You are expected to incorporate relevant background readings into your responses. Your paper should be written in your own words. This will enable me to assess your level of understanding. In order to earn full credit, you must clearly show that you have read ALL required background materials. Be sure to cite your references in the text of all papers and on the reference list at theend. For examples, look at the way the references are listed in the modules and on the background reading list. Proofread your paper to be sure grammar and punctuation are correct and that each part of the assignment has been address clearly and completely. Length: 2-3 pages typed, double-spaced. Case Assignment A researcher wishes to operationalize her study variables in the following manner. How might she go about doing so? Summarize your responses in tabular form (see example below), and supplement your table with a supporting narrative. Age (continuous) Gender (dichotomous) Ethnicity (categorical) Education (ordinal) Income (continuous) Marital status (categorical) Weight (continuous) Blood pressure (continuous) Hypertension (dichotomous) Body temperature (continuous) Health insurance status (categorical) Smoking status (dichotomous) Cancer Stage (ordinal) EXAMPLE: Variable: Name Type How operationalized How measured Age Etc. continuous Age in years How old were you on your last birthday? Narrative: When age is operationalized in this manner, one would merely need to query the respondent to determine the age she turned on her last birthday. Alternatively, the researcher could ask the respondent to provide his birth date and year, and then calculate age at a later time. Assignment Expectations You are expected to incorporate relevant background readings into your responses. Your paper should be written in your own words. This will enable me to assess your level of understanding. In order to earn full credit, you must clearly show that you have read ALL required background materials. Be sure to cite your references in the text of all papers and on the reference list at theend. For examples, look at the way the references are listed in the modules and on the background reading list. Proofread your paper to be sure grammar and punctuation are correct and that each part of the assignment has been address clearly and completely. Length: 2-3 pages typed, double-spaced.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Types of Variables Case Assignment
Research sorts out an inquiry or inquiries regarding patient attributes, routines for treatment or materials, and methodologies utilized as a part of treatment and produces correct, substantial responses to enhance the nature of patient mind. To have the capacity to answer questions, the researcher should first change over our perceptions into measurable amounts otherwise called "properties" or "variables”. The after passages show how to operationalize a few variables that may be utilized as a part of an examination. The act of social examination is for sure an energizing one, and the development of substantial and solid reviews is a standout amongst the most troublesome and compensating parts of this exploration. The researcher would support the social researcher to attempt the majority of the distinctive methodologies in gathering review information - eye to eye talks with, sent or conveyed polls, phone meetings, field research, authentic research, and immediate perception (Donovan &McGinty et al 2013).
This is a very informative paper and dwells on the interventions that the emergency department staffs can implement in helping patients that are smokers quit. As such, thesis of the authors of this paper is hinged on creating guidelines that will help both the emergency physicians and the emergency nurses guide their patients that are smokers to quit (Katz et al., 2014). Past efforts have been marred with inconsistencies due to the perception of the staffs. Understanding and redefining the perceptions would be one of the most crucial steps towards the success of smoking cessation and counselling interventions (Clinicaltrials.gov, 2014)
For it is truly just through the "doing" of human science and the perception of staff that the researcher takes in its genuine shortcomings and qualities. One variable is dependably the Independent Variable (free variable) and one is dependably the Dependent Variable (subordinate variable). At the point when the inquiry includes circumstances and ends a result deciding the Independent Variable and the Dependent Variable is simple. Independent Variables are reasons and Dependent Variables are impacts. In the event that you are questionable which variable is the reason, the speedy test is to ask: which variable starts things out in time? Case in point, the researcher may suspect there is a relationship in the middle of cancerous tumours and smoking, yet which variable is the Independent Variable? Just ask which starts things out in time – the propensity of smoking goes before the onset of malignancy, so smoking is the Independent Variable (Babbie 2012).
Study Settings and Population Description
Variable NameTypeHow OperationalizedHow MeasuredNarrativeAgeContinuousAge is measure in years. However, in children under the five years it is measured in months.How old are you currently?
What is your date of birth?Through the back dating of the birthday from the current year presents the individual’s most accurate date.GenderDichotomousGender is a dichotomous variable as it incorporates two variables which could either be male and female.It is a one-dimensional variable which requires a particular answer: male or femalePhysical features in the individual candidate identify the particulars of this specific variable (Babbie 2012).EthnicityCategoricalEthnicity is a variable that requires no referenceWhat is yo...
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