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Type 2 Diabetes: Background, Symptoms, Causes, Prevention and Treatment

Essay Instructions:

Type 2 Diabetes


  1. Background Type 2 Diabetes
  2. Type 2 once known as noninsulin-dependent
  3. It’s a chronic condition
  4. No cure for Type 2 diabetes
  5. One most control their Type 2 Diabetes
  6. Influences the way the body metabolizes sugar
  7. Cn lead to death
  8. Living with Type 2 Diabetes
  9. Educate yourself on Type 2 Diabetes
  10. Understand what Type 2 is and how it effects your body
  11. Knowing what medications best work for you
  12. Mange your Type 2 Diabetes
  13. Check blood sugar regularly
  14. Take medication as prescribed

III. Change your life style

  1. How to live with Type 2 Diabetes
  2. Exercise on a daily
  3. Routine check ups
  4. Changing your diet
  5. Eat healthier
  6. Read what’s on the labels




Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder that is characterized by high levels of glucose in the blood. Type 2 is also an inherited disorder. There is numerous of symptoms of type 2 diabetes.  There are preventive measures for diabetes.


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Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes
The type 2 diabetes also known as diabetes mellitus is described as a metabolic disease causing the collection of sugar within the blood stream. The severity of type 2 diabetes tends to vary, whereby some individual patients only call for small changes as far as their lifestyles is concerned following their diagnosis. This is then followed by losing just a little weight coupled with some more exercises in the management of this type of diabetes (Harris & Eastman, 2001). On the other hand, other patients suffering from type 2 diabetes need more permanent therapy that in most cases involves insulin administration as well as taking tablets. The most important thing for many patients worth noting revolves around proper understanding of the disease as well as getting to know what best they need to do to stay healthy (Kuller, et al., 2000). Different from type 1 diabetes, studies reveal that type 2 diabetes takes shape of the adult stage as opposed to type 1 which usually develops at a younger age if not childhood and is associated with the damaged pancreas, thereby the production of very little or no insulin that proves quite vital in the control of blood sugar level. Moreover, in the type 2 diabetes, it is increasingly difficult for the body cells to undertake proper nutrient absorption into the blood stream and insulin utilization (Harris & Eastman, 2001). As opposed to type 1, diabetes mellitus accounts for more than 90 percent of all diabetes cases in patients. This review looks at type 2 diabetes; a noninsulin dependent condition that at time becomes chronic and lacks cure. Additionally, this review will highlight on living with type 2 diabetes.
Background of Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is becoming rampant in many adults across the globe. The risk factors of the condition include an elevated concentration in the fasting state, of blood plasma glucose following an oval glucose load, sedentary lifestyle and overweight, which are potentially reversible (Harris & Eastman, 2001). It is hypothesized that the modification of these diseases contributing factors, coupled with some lifestyle intervention program as well as the administration of metformin medication would potentially delay if not prevent the development of type 2 diabetes. From the above descriptions, it can be deduced that type 2 diabetes is a noninsulin-dependent condition. It is chronic in the advanced stages and has no cure (Kuller, et al., 2000). Therefore, controlling this type of diabetes is a must condition that is achieved by influencing the mode at which human body undertakes sugar metabolism before the condition leads to death.
Symptoms of type 2 diabetes
The blood sugar level can stay high on a permanent basis if type 2 diabetes continues without treatment. Although the condition might go unnoticed in the initial phases, the disease can gradually develop over a number of years without noticeable symptoms. Excessive blood sugar levels in this condition are normally associated with symptoms like; frequent urination, feeling thirsty, dizziness, nausea as well as listlessness and tiredness (Harris & Eastman, 2001). Patients with extreme levels of high blood sugar, they tend to feel confused, drowsy and loss of consciousness, popularly referred to as the diabetic coma.
Causes of type 2 diabetes
Insulin is one of the most important hormones required for the human body metabolism, particularly during the conversion of food into energy. Manufactured by the pancreas, the high levels of blood sugar in the bloodstream following a meal stimulate the production of insulin (Gabir, Hanson & Dabelea, 2000). The release of insulin hormone then stimulates the liver cells and muscle tissues to absorb the blood sugar (Harris & Eastman, 2001). The improper functioning of insulin leads to inappropriate utilization of the blood glucose, causing a drastic rise in blood sugar, a condition known as hyperglycemia. The type 2 diabetes patients lack the proper functioning of the pancreas due to inadequate production of insulin, which exhibit very minimal effect on the body tissues and cells (insulin resistance). In as much as the pancreas could temporarily compensate by the production of more insulin, this at a time becomes unsustainable thereby leading to a rapid rise in blood sugar level (Kuller, et al., 2000).
Living with type 2 diabetes
There are a number of risk factors associated with type 2 diabetes. These factors include being overweight without sufficient physical exercise; low fiber, sugary and high-fat diet; smoking; medications affecting sugar metabolism as well as other genetic are the most likely contributing risk factors to the type 2 diabetes (Gabir, Hanson & Dabelea, 2000). Patients living with type 2 diabetes; have a greater risk of developing a number of cardiovascular diseases like stroke, heart attack and the peripheral artery diseases, (PAD) (Gabir, Hanson & Dabelea, 2000). The conditions are popularly known as the diabetes macro-vascular complications, affecting the larger blood vessels, and are rampant amongst patients suffering from the high blood pressure. Excessive accumulation of blood sugar for years in the smaller blood vessels leads to damages in the nerves, eyes as well as the kidneys-the micro-vascular diabetic complications (Harris & Eastman, 2001).
The fact that type 2 diabetes tends to develop gradually amongst individuals, the condition begins with minor symptoms. However, an increase in blood sugar level as well as in urine is in most cases first detected in the event of routine medical checkup. A patientsuspecting of living with type 2 diabetes is normally advised to undergo physical examination followed by a test of their blood sugar levels. Pharmacies and doctor’s practices in a number of nations have now developed easy-to-use test strips to check sugar in urine samples (Gabir, Hanson & Dabelea, 2000).
Prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes
There are quite a number of recommendations that have so far been coined by medical practitioners for the purposes of preventing the occurrence of type 2 diabetes. Out of them all, changes in lifestyle, consumption of a balanced diet, weight watch as well as doing enough exercise (Harris & Eastman, 2001). Changes in diet as well as exercise have the potential to delay diagnosis up to a few years, particularly for those poised at higher risks of developing the condition.
When it comes to the treatment of type 2 diabetes, a number of factors come into play, including age, other diseases, the patient’s physical conditions, individual decisions as well as lifestyle. In many situations, just a sim...
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