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Health & Medicine: Tourette Syndrome Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Tom age 10 has a diagnosis of Tourette syndrome. Discuss etiology, signs and symptoms, impact on self-esteem and learning, and pharmacotherapy. Discuss things that school nurse can do to support Tom and his family. What are some tips the school nurse can share with his teacher to strengthen his self-esteem and aid learning? Is Tom eligible for any types of services and/or programs? Why or Why not? 
Websites: Gifted and Talented Education : https://www(dot)tourette(dot)org/resource/role-school-nurse-students-tourette-syndrome/

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Tourette syndrome
Course title:
Tics which are vocalizations, involuntary and repetitive movements, define the onset childhood spectrum of neurodevelopment condition. Individually, Tics include the Tourette syndrome or Tourette disorder, Persistent Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder and Provisional Tic Disorder. Tourette diagnosis involves both the motor and vocal tics being present during the disorder, and the tics frequently wax and wane in, and have to be present for more than a year since they started (Tourette Association of America, 2016).
What might cause Tourette syndrome and other tic disorders is unknown. The disorder occurs in families, and several studies have agreed that Tourette syndrome has a genetic link. Other factors that might contribute to this disorder are environmental and developmental factors, although no specific agents have been known (Tourette Association of America, 2016).
Signs and Symptoms
The first symptoms of Tourette disorder are the tics. These symptoms are usually accompanied with neurodevelopment and neuropsychiatric conditions. There is also an additional developmental and mental condition accompanying the symptoms. These symptoms include: ADHD associated with hyperactive and problems with concentration and impulse control; Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD); behavioural issues like rage, aggression and socially inappropriate behaviours: anxiety issues like separation anxiety and excess shyness; learning disabilities on reading, writing and difficulty in processing information; deficit in social skills and social functioning like having trouble maintaining social relationships or developing social skills; issues of sensory processing like sensitivity to touch, smell, sounds and tastes and sleep issues like trouble falling and staying asleep (Tourette Association of America, 2016).
Impacts on social esteem and learning
Tourette syndrome affects the social adaptation of a child especially when the child is not supported and accepted by the family. The child lacks social skills and is not able to sustain or maintain meaningful relationships, and this lowers the child’s self-esteem and confidence. Children affected by Tourette syndrome have school performance handicaps and that can lead to long term educational impairment. Intelligent children with the disorder have their optimal functioning limited. It affects the child’s learning ability, not their intellect (Tourette Association of America, 2016).
Haloperidol, aripiprazole and pimozide are the available pharmacotherapy that is permitted by the U.S.FDA in the treatment of Tourette syndrome and other tics disorders. “Off” label usage of clonidine and guanfacine that are not FDA approved, have shown reductions in tics and better toleration of the disorder. Topiramate is used for mild and moderate tics and antipsychotic medications like arip...
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