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Nursing Research in Fall-Related Fatalities and Injuries

Essay Instructions:

Write a paper (1,500-2,000 words) in which you analyze and appraise each of the 15 articles identified in Topic 1. Pay particular attention to evidence that supports the problem, issue, or deficit, and your proposed solution.
Hint: The Topic 2 readings provide appraisal questions that will assist you to efficiently and effectively analyze each article.
Refer to "Sample Format for Review of Literature," "RefWorks," and "Topic 2: Checklist."
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation:
Nursing Research
Area of Interest: The reduction and prevention of falls among the elderly population.
Background Question: What are some of the ways that can be implemented in preventing falls among the elderly population?
Population of Study: The elderly populationwho are prone to falls
Interventions: Multifactorial or the use of multifaceted intervention programs
Comparison: The inclusion of single intervention initiatives
Outcomes: The prevention and reduction of falls among the elderly population.
PICO Question: Among the elderly population who are prevalent and at risk of falls, how does the implementation of the multifaceted program as compared to the single intervention impact and reduce falls?
Analysis and Appraisal of Literature
Bell, H. T., Steinsbekk, A., & Granas, A. G. (2015). Factors influencing prescribing of fall-risk-increasing drugs to the elderly: A qualitative study. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 33(2), 107-114. doi:10.3109/02813432.2015.1041829
Summary of Article
The author of this study explores the injuries mainly caused by falls as a leading cause of death among the elderly and longstanding disabilities and pain.
Research Elements
According to this author, the increase in adult population in several regions has seen an increase in fall-related fatalities and injuries. Given this, a study conducted by the Shanghai Public Security apparently revealed that close to 2.8 million adults aged between 60 and 65 accounts for the population of China. Out of this, 15.5% of the adult population falls has significantly been recorded in this country.
In a bid to find explications to this problem, a qualitative study was conducted on 13 General Practitioners who provide care to the senior citizens to establish the inclusion of a multicoated approach in minimizing adult falls. The participants in the study were required to share their thoughts on the use of the multifaceted approach and the management of these falls especially those caused by the fall-risk-increase dugs (FRIDS).
Results and Significance to Patient Care
The study exhibited that the General Practitioners had no knowledge of the use of the multifaceted approach in minimizing falls among the elderly patients, exceptions being they lacked the proper knowledge on this method.
Bleijlevens, M. C., Hendriks, M. C., Van Haastregt, J. M., Crebolder, H. M., & Van Eijk, J. M. (2010). Lessons learned from a multidisciplinary fall-prevention programme: The occupational-therapy element. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 17(4), 319-325. doi:10.3109/11038120903419038
Summary of Article
This study was designed to give insights into the impact of the occupational-therapy of the multidisciplinary fall prevention approach aimed at reducing falls that contribute to functional decline in the adult population.
Research Elements
As detailed in this journal falls, and the consequences that Results and Significance to Patient Care from them are considered as a great strain on the health and well-being of the adult population. Each year as detailed in this article, approximately 30% of adults aged between 65 and above sustain falls that Results and Significance to Patient Care in fatal injuries.
An analytical and descriptive study was conducted in which data were collected through a random control trial that found no effects on the multidisciplinary fall prevention methods. The population of the study comprised of 166 participants and two occupational therapists.
Results and Significance to Patient Care
Through the occupational therapy initiative, 458 recommendations regarding the inclusion of assistive devices were incorporated. It was established that the effectiveness of the multidisciplinary method, the need to integrate a theory-based approach that stimulates behavior change remains essential.
Choi, Y., Lawler, E., Boenecke, C. A., Ponatoski, E. R., & Zimring, C. M. (2011). Developing a multi-systemic fall prevention model, incorporating the physical environment, the care process and technology: a systematic review. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 67(12), 2501-2524. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.2011.05672.x
Summary of Article
This study typically reviews and assesses the efficiency and characteristics of fall prevention approaches implemented in different hospitals. A multi-system fall prevention method is consequently established as a practical framework in mitigating of falls among adults.
Research Elements
Falls remains the common adverse events reported in several hospitals in Wales, England, Australia, the U.S and everywhere. The rates of these falls range from 3-7 fallers per 100 patients. The author of this journal notes that 33% of adult falls are reported among the inpatients. The Results and Significance to Patient Cares and Significance to Patient Care and Significance to Patient Care determine that adult falls end up in serious injuries, thus causing co-morbidity and impaired rehabilitation.
The study conducted a quantitative systematic review without the use of a meta-analysis to provide summaries to the report’s findings.
Results and Significance to Patient Care
In as much as the three characteristics detailed in this study about fall prevention interventions are detailed, the study identified that the care process and culture, the physical environment, and technology were the most important aspects of the process. However, findings disclosed that clinical evidence depicts that the efficacy of the environmental interventions was inadequate in reducing falls and its related injuries. The literature consequently identified few medical institutions that incorporated the environment-related approaches in their multifaceted fall prevention strategies.
Colon-Emeric, C. S., McConnell, E., Pinheiro, S. O., Corazzini, K., Porter, K., Earp, K. M., & ... Anderson, R. A. (2013). CONNECT for Better Fall Prevention in Nursing Homes: Results and Significance to Patient Cares and Significance to Patient Care and Significance to Patient Care from a Pilot Intervention Study. Journal Of The American Geriatrics Society, 61(12), 2150-2159. doi:10.1111/jgs.12550
Summary of Article
The study’s purpose was to circumscribe the effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving the caregiver's staff connections through problems solving and communication (CONNECT) to improve the integration of fall reduction approaches and education programs.
Research Elements
A systematic review and meta-analysis conducted by this Journal disclosed that multifactorial fall risks prevention approaches reduce fall rates by close to 22% in as much as these Results and Significance to Patient Cares and Significance to Patient Care and Significance to Patient Care were not statistically vital.
According to the study, the nurses used the CONNECT approach that incorporated relationship building, storytelling, self-monitoring, mentoring, and feedbacks to aid in staff identity of the existing communication gaps and how they interact with practice.
Results and Significance to Patient Care
A significant improvement in the perceptions of staff members on the quality of communication, development of a safe environment, participation in decision-making, and the quality of care including the use of local interactive strategies was noted in this journal. However, fall risk prevention documentation did not change in a significant manner, with the direction of change in fall rates noted.
de Souza Moreira, B., Mourão Barroso, C., Cavalcanti Furtado, S. R., Sampaio, R. F., Drumond das Chagas e Vallone, M. L., & Kirkwood, R. N. (2015). Clinical Functional Tests Help Identify Elderly Women Highly Concerned About Falls. Experimental Aging Research, 41(1), 89-103. doi:10.1080/0361073X.2015.978214
Summary of Article
This study addresses the limitations of existing research on functional tests and how they discriminate elderly individuals with concerns about falls. The primary purpose of the survey was directed towards determining the manner in which functional tests discriminate between the senior women with high and low concerns about falls.
Research Elements
Several studies as detailed in this journal fail in identifying the essential elements associated with the raise in fear of falls due to the multifactorial nature of these aspects. However, an assessment of fear of falling among the adults remains a multifaceted issue that takes into consideration the behavioral, physical, and functional components.
The study conducts a longitudinal research in a bid to determine the impairments of different functions elements that include balance and mobility to determine the onset of fear of falling among the adults.
Results and Significance to Patient Care
Through the factorial analysis, three factors clearly explained the variances that stand at 83.8%. The TUG test was established as an approach that discriminates senior women with high and low concerns about falls, thus denoting the use of this test as an essential in assessing elderly individuals who are afraid of falls.
Huang, A. R., Mallet, L., Rochefort, C. M., Eguale, T., Buckeridge, D. L., & Tamblyn, R. (2012). Medication-Related Falls in the Elderly: Causative Factors and Preventive Strategies. Drugs & Aging, 29(5), 359-376. doi:10.2165/11599460-000000000-00000
Summary of Article
This article details a comprehensive review of the effects of medication and their contribution in adult falls. According to the author, new trends are emerging aimed at addressing adult falls, with the study primarily focusing on a selection of medications that have some clinical significance to adult falls.
Research Elements
The article details that the world population has grown close to 7 billion, with this population having a median age of 29 years. However, 11% of the populations are individuals older
People are living to older age. The older adults are consequently growing at an alarming rate, with this demographic pressure mounting different health needs since a number of the population experience falls that lead to injuries.
The study undertakes a review of literature in establishing the element of adult falls caused by drugs.
Results and Significance to Patient Care
The outcome of the study revealed the alterations in physical functioning and physiology that Results and Significance to Patient Care from the misuse and use of medications required in managing adult health needs. The pharmacological factors that put the adult population at a higher risk of experiencing the side effects of drugs are determined to Results and Significance to Patient Care in body composition, renal and hepatic functions, total body water, and the serum albumin.
Jong-Long, G., Yi-Ying, T., ...
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